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Messages - King Louie

Pages: [1]
Irish Air Corps / Salthill Air Show 2004
« on: June 29, 2004, 09:49:20 am »
Sounds good lads.
It starts at 3, anyone know how long it ususally goes on for? what time will the last display end?


Irish Air Corps / Day to day life in the AC
« on: April 15, 2004, 10:02:02 pm »
I didn't mean to pry people, sorry about that. I just wanted to get an idea of what goes on in general, I appreciate your security concerns though.

FF, good to hear that people are fairly happy, with a bit (alot!) of luck I might get to join them!

Cheers all,

Irish Air Corps / Day to day life in the AC
« on: April 14, 2004, 06:15:17 pm »
Lads and lassies,

I was wondering if anyone in the Air Corps would be able to provide some detail as to what you get up to on a day to day basis. After you've (hopefully) passed your wings course do you get to fly the Marchetti (Pilatus) much again or do you remain on your assigned aircraft? What are the various wings you can be assigned to? Can you switch from wing to wing after a while? I've heard approx. 200hrs a year is the norm, is this correct? When not flying what are the various jobs that must be done? I've also heard that you can take time off reasonably regularly for 'adventure training', parachuting, sailing, scuba diving etc. How true is this? Are people generally happy in the AC, or are alot of people looking forward to the day their twelve years are up and they can leave and head for the airlines or elsewhere?

Alot of questions, I know, but answers to any would be great!

Thanks alot,
King Louie

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