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Irish Air Corps / Neutraility?
« on: June 12, 2004, 12:18:56 am »
Quote (FiannaFail @ 11 June 2004,13:48)
Could you imagine the Mayo economy if 10,000 US troops were based in Knock!!!

And could you imagine the cost in human life when Al Quaeda add us to their enemy list and decide to bomb Heuston Station or any number of other high-profile targets?

I for one am against losing neutrality, I think our role within the UN is more than enough. Still though, Bertie seems to be selling us down the river in the direction of losing the neutrality cherry all the same.

Irish Air Corps / Fouga pic
« on: May 13, 2004, 07:43:27 pm »
Im curious as to why CIT is getting one? Are they planning to start an Aero course, or is it for the Mech Eng Dept?

Air Corps Careers / Cadetships 2004
« on: May 12, 2004, 06:48:51 pm »
Quote (StevieW @ 11 May 2004,14:12)
And you also get 6% if you have a 3rd level degree. But you can only get a max of 6% extra, ie only one of the above.

That's me covered then, I have a BA degree from UCC.

Thanks for the info Stevie, something else I didnt know about. This is a great site, loads of info on it.

Air Corps Careers / Cadetships 2004
« on: May 11, 2004, 10:33:52 pm »
Hows it going,

Im new to the board and I am considering applying for an IAC cadetship next time round. Ive read the above posts and would like to commend Alpha Foxtrot for his willingness to help people, it is a rare thing to find somebody so patient.

I have a few questions which somebody might be able to help me with:
How important is it to be a member of the RDF?

Alpha, from your time in the IAC, how many cadets came from the FCA if you can remember?

I believe I read that you get 6% added to your interview score for RDF membership, and a further 6% for speaking Irish (scrap that last idea, I wasnt that good at it in school, let alone now, 5 years later. As long as you could answer all question with Ta or Nil, then Id be sorted!'<img'> ) To get that 6%, do you have to be signed up for a minimum amount of time?


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