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Messages - Hi Bypass

Pages: [1]
Irish Air Corps / Garda EC135
« on: November 21, 2005, 06:13:09 pm »
A lot of good points raised in this thread,so here my 2cents worth.

I don't think the current GASU could cope with HEMS missions without police ops really suffering.Just doesn't have the resources.In my opinion the greater Dublin area needs a dedicated HEMS service.

But what about the rest of the country? I hear all you non Dubs shouting!  

I think Munster and Connaught would have the workload to suit a combined Garda-Ambo Heli sevice.From what I see on the TV from across the water the paramedic is a spare set of eyes in police ops and the cop is a spare set of hands in medical ops.Could mission equipped helis be leased from CHC?

Irish Air Corps / Scale model Fouga?
« on: October 27, 2005, 09:09:16 pm »
I'll try to get a pic up,but don't hold your breath.As I have said at all my job interviews "my only fault is that I'm a perfectionist",so it might take a while. . . .

Air Corps Apprentice Contact Page / Scrubbing Dixies
« on: October 26, 2005, 11:56:47 pm »
John,by "Big Bertha" are you refering to that contraption in which the stew was made?
It was like a hybrid double dixie mounted on top of the cooker and it tilted up to pour its contents into regular dixies for serving.
Many's the evening we spent head first into it with the brillo pads.Most of us had never even heard the expression "overtime" back then!
Has anybody ever calculated the man hours worked by apprentices outside of school hours?

Irish Air Corps / Scale model Fouga?
« on: October 25, 2005, 08:58:59 pm »
Thanks for the help so far guys.

Just to wrap things up does anybody know the Humbrol  paint numbers I need for a good Air Corps finish on this project?

Irish Air Corps / Scale model Fouga?
« on: October 23, 2005, 11:40:02 am »
Thanks for and Hannants,saved me a bit of leg work!

John K do you remember the 1/48 scale Puma in the display cabinet in the App. school?I think blu-tac was used for the floats.If memory serves correct there were a good few models in that cabinet.Some shower of inmates must have been promised a long weekend pass for the maker of the best one?
Can anybody shed any light?

Irish Air Corps / Scale model Fouga?
« on: October 20, 2005, 09:35:59 pm »
Thanks for the replies guy's,no luck with Marks Models I'm afraid.
Can anybody recommend any good websites on this topic?

Irish Air Corps / Scale model Fouga?
« on: October 20, 2005, 02:45:29 pm »
Anyboby know where a 1/72 scale Fouga can be found?
Area not important as I travel around Ireland regularly.
Also has anyone ever come across any 1/72 scale fuel trucks,GPU's fire trucks?

Irish Air Corps / Fouga Magister 216 is back
« on: October 14, 2005, 11:04:41 pm »
Those who were quick to comment on the care 216 recieved in Cork(myself included),should bear in mind the fate of some other time-expd aircraft that went before it!

Irish Air Corps / Fouga Magister 216 is back
« on: October 14, 2005, 07:41:10 pm »
What about a coat of polish and a new job as a gate guardian to make up for its time languishing in a shed down south?

Irish Air Corps / The press gang - Irish Air Corps style
« on: October 14, 2005, 07:36:37 pm »
I heard a member of the Silver Swallows,at great risk to life ,limb and liberty zapped an F117 nighthawk at fairford '97.
Don't know if it was a pilot or a tech.
Anyone hear about this or better yet have a picture?

Irish Air Corps / Aer Lingus A330 collision pictures
« on: January 04, 2005, 11:18:04 pm »
Excellent pictures.

Does anybody know anymore about what happened than what was said on the news?

Irish Air Corps / Best aircraft in IAC history
« on: December 14, 2004, 08:54:30 pm »
Has to be the Fouga Magister CM 170.

God know's it out stayed its welcome,but in it's day. . . . .

Irish Air Corps / New helis - What colour schemes?
« on: December 04, 2004, 10:31:12 pm »
In an ideal world I think they should be finished in the same pattern as the MOWAGS(How cool would their first joint exercise look!)

In reality,I would imagine a comprimise scheme for the numerous roles that will be expected of them.

Irish Air Corps / Fouga 216
« on: November 27, 2004, 09:59:39 pm »
on the sorry state of F216 I think I have heard enough.It is obvious to me that now is the time for action.I propose the setting up of a quasi militia type guerrilla group to be called the save 216 brotherhood.Our policies will be somewhere to the right of the all new socialist Fianna Fail party but not quite as far to the right as the armed wing of the legion of Mary.For our first taste of action I propose Christmas Day.We shall meet at Parnell square carrying nothing but copious amounts of WD40, 3in1 oil,wet and dry paper,allodine,allochrome,grey and dayglo orange paint.We shall march in a calm dignified and orderly fashion past the GPO,government buildings,the monasterevin by pass,the Jack Lynch tunnel and on to Cork Airport.After a picnic lunch of flasks of tea and hang sandwiches we shall vigourously set about returning F216 to her rightful former glory!We will de-rust her steel bits! We shall un-corrode her alluminium bits!Then we fly her back to Bal' intime for tea and medals!

Now thats my idea of a day out........

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