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Topics - SARMAN

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Irish Air Corps / SAR Legend
« on: June 11, 2007, 02:01:01 pm »
I would like to wish a very special man all the best with his retirement.  
Mr Search And Rescue, John Manning
John is today (11/06/80) doing his last shift in Waterford as a crewman with CHC. (hope its a quite one, deck chairs out and light the barbee!!!)
Many people will know John from the aircorps, or civil SAR.  I have to say that having had the opertunity to work with such a skilled winch operator and winchman I personnally will miss him, I believe he is a living legend with his abundance of experience, ability and of course words cannot describe what John has brought to many crewrooms in his time as a SAR crewman.  John you are a true gentlemen you will be missed by everyone who has had the pleasure of working with you.
I would like to wish you and your family all the best in the future, and there will always be a cup of tea with your name on it in any crewroom around the country.
Best of luck John Manning  'applause' 'buttrock'

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