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Topics - type509

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Irish Air Corps / IAC Spitfires
« on: August 17, 2003, 06:51:26 am »
Tony and John- After some digging thru my resources I have found a referance to the Vickers- Armstrong specification document refering to the type 499 as the MkVIII and the type 502 as the MkIX conversions. I am now curious as to the type numbers on the original Supermarine drawings. I will be checking this out further. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.
 I have never said "I knew better". In fact I will be the first to admit I know very little. So perhaps I am wiser than you give me credit for?. I am however trying to find out more about the overlooked Two seaters history. Of which the IAC forms a very important part of.
In the time I've spent researching these few aircraft I have learned a lot and also more importantly met many great people from around the world. I've also be able to help uncover some of the little known history about these Spitfires from around the world. My modest "fan" website to these aircraft is just that, a "fan" site. If it generates a source of information then great.  
John - Yes I did get your photos. Thank you very much. I'm greatful you provided them. I'm also sorry I forgot to reply to you earlier. My time has been taken up these days by my kids and overtime at my work. Send me your address and I'll send you the money for a pint!

Sincerely- Neil

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