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Messages - Tucco

Pages: 1 [2]
Irish Air Corps / Agusta A109M
« on: December 30, 2003, 12:42:42 pm »
Blackhawks are likely, as the govt owe Sikorksky big time for the balls up with the S-92.  What with them announcing the choice of S-92 to the world and what not.

But, it's only going to be one type.  So, here's guessing.  Most likely 8 utilities inititally.  With two medium lifts on the shopping list.  Bit like back in 1981. '[<img'>

Irish Air Corps / Need for a higher media profile
« on: January 04, 2004, 05:50:47 pm »
Jeez Guinness, the old RAF & USAF will defend Ireland if needed chestnut.

Look, once and for all, Ireland has no agreement whatsoever in place with either force to provide defence to Ireland.

There is no presumption that they would come to our aid if needed.

Both Air Forces are extremely stretched right now between Afghanistan, Iraq, defending their own airspace, and other international deployments.  Just look at the amount of National Guard pilots called up in the U.S right now.

This dismissive way we refer to the RAF and the USAF coming to our aid like they'd nothing better to do is ridiculous disinformation.  Circulated at government level, and quoted by every man in the street, as if it were a formal - or even informal - arrangement.  It's not. '[<img'>

Irish Air Corps / New Air Corps book launched
« on: December 11, 2003, 02:26:25 pm »
Would have thought FF could just pop in to Kevin Byrne at the Don and get a copy.

Strange for a fella in the Air Corps needing ISBN numbers. '<img'>

Irish Air Corps / Cessna's - Time to replace?
« on: December 21, 2003, 02:54:48 pm »
Nice pic of a Cessna with rocket pods fitted in the new book, anyone see it?

Irish Air Corps / Bertie admits Aircorps underequipped!
« on: December 02, 2003, 03:58:53 pm »
Anyone see the article in the Sunday Tribune and about woeful ability to defend against attack on US or UK interests here?

It was based on comments by a security expert, who in particular pointed out the fact that wee were wasting money spending €60m on what he called obsolete PC-9ms. Instead of rapid reaction aircraft.

Irish Air Corps / Main gate.
« on: May 22, 2003, 09:34:35 pm »
Eh, guys, I think you'll find there's plenty of room for a gate guard in the wide courtyard behind the entrance gate itself.  Not sure about two, mind.  But IM's idea is a nice one.

Roadsigns on the N7 would be a good idea to raise profile to the thousands of motorists passing each day.

Irish Air Corps / Irish Aircorps and the Congo.
« on: April 28, 2003, 08:50:19 pm »
Well there is an Irish Air Corps connection of sorts to the Congo.  Some of the Fougas were originally destined for the Katanga Air Force but were embargoed.  They were eventually refit and sold to the IAC.  Which kind of illustrates how useful an aircraft they were by the time they reached the Don in the late seventies.
Plus, the Irish forces in Congo came under attack from Fouga/s while out there.

But that's about it. '<img'>

Irish Air Corps / How to argue
« on: April 28, 2003, 09:12:35 pm »

Ireland is not neutral, its non aligned.

*No one is going to attack us why do we need them?  Who's about to attack Belgium or Denmark.  Are you happy to live in Europe's only undefended airspace.  We always had basic air defence.  Fighters from WWII up to the 70s, strike jets up to 1999/2000.  So this isn't a new idea stupid.

*Air Corps needed so we can host Euro summits, vital for the economy.  The Irish may not expect air defence, but all of our European neighbours do.  Including all of the new entrants.  The rest of the developed/developing world expects it also.

*US important to Irish economy, we now have no way of providing air security to US presidents visiting. ( In Clinton's day it may not have been needed.  But even then we had the Light Strike Squadron.)  Now things have changed.

*It doesn't cost hundreds of millions of Euro to provide basic air defence.  And one doesn't always have to buy F-16s!  Believe it or not there are other jets out there.  And it all comes out of the Defence budget that's put in place every year when the Department of Health's already got its allocation.  It DOESN'T come out of the health budget!

*Air defence not about WWII dogfights idiot.  Its about securing airspace.  Inspecting damaged airliners.  Escorting them to an airport.  A service every other country offers.  Its about CAP. VIP flypasts.  Drug interdiction.  Army training to allow our soldiers help the dying orphans more effectively. Deterrent vs combat.

*Sure, the RAF will defend us?  Really, have we signed an agreement with them.  Aren't they stretched to the bone on foreign deployments.  And anyway you just said we were neutral, wouldn't it go against your beliefs to allow the RAF in.
etc etc etc.

Yep, we've all had the same arguments. ':cool:'

Irish Air Corps / Should the Air Corps participate in UN Missions?
« on: April 28, 2003, 08:54:54 pm »
Oh, sorry FF.  Yep, you're right the UN should definitely seek the deployment of one Gazelle, three Marchettis and a couple of Alouettes as a matter of urgency.  Before the crisis in the Gulf or the middle east worsens. '<img'>

Irish Air Corps / Should the Air Corps participate in UN Missions?
« on: April 24, 2003, 01:17:03 pm »
Fair play to FF, once agains really up on his stuff.  Air Corps members have taken part in UN missions for years.  Albeit as part of the infantry batts.  They've been to Lebanon, Kosovo and sure didn't John O'Brien himself take charge of all UN flying missions in Somalia as head of operations. '<img'>

Irish Air Corps / Lear 45 update
« on: November 21, 2003, 09:59:15 pm »
Interesting though, was it not, that on September 24 when the deal was formalised with Bombardier.

Neither the Bombardier, nor the Department of Defence press releases once mentioned the words 'Irish Air Corps'.

The Govt's one was headlined "...........for the Ministerial Air Transport Service".  And spoke only in reference to MATS throughout.  As if it was some sort of spearate thing, like CIE, god help us.

Bombardier spoke only about the Irish Government buying their jet.

A worrying pointer to the future of the Corps? '[<img'>

Irish Air Corps / Irish Aircorps or Irish Airforce?
« on: April 28, 2003, 09:01:30 pm »
Don't think it was ever Irish Army Air Corps.  Open to correction on it though.
Operations at Baldonnell have been serviced by the Royal Flying Corps.  Irish Air Service and the Irish Air Corps.  Which more or less had its name about a year after coming into existence.  Taking over from the air service.  As far as I know it was never the Irish Army Air Corps.

LOL though, love the way the papers are forever saying Aer Corps. Just about sums everything up. '<img'>

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