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Messages - John K

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Irish Air Corps / What should the Major Air Corps Roles Be?
« on: October 01, 2007, 10:32:25 pm »
OK Fouga, I'll take it back, it was definately not as bad as Sarsfield Barracks, Limerick!

Irish Air Corps / Alouette retirement
« on: October 01, 2007, 10:25:51 pm »
I'd have liked to have made it over for the retirement, but I was just coming to the end of a course.
Papa 242, that was a good post, it made me reminisce! I remember you guiding me (and the others) on our GP crewman course.

Bashing Jim Durkin on the head with the left wheel while we were practising underslung loads practice! Well the pilot couldn't see what was going on to his left! Jeez, if only they knew they were pawns in our little games! "Left 2, Left 1, Steady Steady, Fwd 1, (smack!)

Doing a border duty in Monaghan with Damien on his first duty after a 'grounding' for one of his exploits. He scared the life out of me nosing over from a 2000ft hover, the tail went over the top and we only had about 200ft left by the time we pulled out of the dive!

A couple of years later, being more experienced, guiding trainee pilots onto the top of Slieve League, on west coast of Donegal. Getting the "Clear to open" 200 yards out with 2000 odd feet of nothing between me and the Atlantic and just a small patch of grass to plonk the wheels onto!

One of the previous postings said they were proud of the SAR Crewmen and I can't agree more. Listening to their exploits when they'd return from a mission, having a cup of tea with John Keane when he suddenly realised he hadn't washed his hands after lifting a decaying body from the sea! well that made me laugh! SAR Crew were the real heroes of Heli Sqn!

The photos were great, Frank, as always. And it's always good to see the Air Corps in the forefront of modern Helicopter operations as the new machines show.

Air Corps Careers / Air Corps Photography
« on: September 13, 2007, 07:17:53 pm »
It's a bit of a 'Dead mans shoes' section as well. Great bunch of lads, but some of them are still corporals 27 years after their NCO course! No names no pack drill but I was on the same NCOs course as them back in 1980. Any Techies on the same course still in baldonnel are F/Sgts or RSMs now. That's not the fault of the blokes in Porno (sorry) Photo Section, it's just how it is. Mind you what with weddings at weekends, etc, they probably earn more than RSMs!

Air Corps Careers / Air Corps accomodation
« on: September 13, 2007, 07:10:25 pm »
GttC that's a good reply! You could have buttered it up a bit though! En suite bathroom, (well a short walk down the corridor in your bath robe and slippers) you can decorate the walls, (with your own posters) centrally heated, (roasting hot in the summer, freezing cold in the winter)

Irish Air Corps / Charlie 7 is home
« on: September 13, 2007, 07:04:26 pm »
HI Tony, I'd love to get over for the stand down but I'm on a 767 course at the moment and it finishes the week after the 'do'. I hope you've got an invite! I'll look forward to seeing the photos.

Irish Air Corps / What should the Major Air Corps Roles Be?
« on: September 13, 2007, 07:01:05 pm »
Yep! Looking forward to the day when I see it flying again! fantastic aircraft at an airshow!
How did you get an interest in the irish Air Corps?

Irish Air Corps / What should the Major Air Corps Roles Be?
« on: September 12, 2007, 07:57:56 pm »
Not very practical, Vulcan. (curious name, you haven't got pointy ears have you?-only joking!!) How many crew would be needed to keep the aircraft at Galway? Spares? At best it could fly in for the day but every day? Anyway, Galway Barracks is a dump! Though I did stay in a nice new block there about 25 years ago! Gussie Warner had a whinge at the state of my boots in the morning, never mind that the Allouette was serviceable and ready for flight.
Sousza, you're right, we shouldn't have risen to FFs thread! He got pi55ed up and started this thread and we're daft enough to post on it!
What're you up to these days FF?

Irish Air Corps / Charlie 7 is home
« on: September 12, 2007, 07:36:13 pm »
Great news, Tony, and thanks for sharing it (and the photos)with us.
Hey Claudel don't you remember the Avro when it was in service? (Only joking-auld sweat!)

Irish Air Corps / nonsense?
« on: February 28, 2007, 05:07:53 pm »
Hey GttC that was very well put, another way to describe 11th hr republicans! Having said that I could never understand how the UK could be described as the 'Mainland'. I live in the South East of England and just a short distance away I can see France, now to me that is the 'Mainland' after all taken individually neither England, Scotland nor Wales could be described as being massively larger than Ireland. But try riding a motorbike the length of France in a day and you realise how big that place is! And that's just one part of continental europe!
Fair play to you P.Dof for getting the flip in a Hawk.

Air Corps Apprentice Contact Page / Where are you all?
« on: February 28, 2007, 04:43:23 pm »
Hi Claude and Dinger. Good to see there's still some of you checking the notices! All's well over here, BA is still going. No sign of new starters though. People keep retiring but don't get replaced, all they do is move work away! All that's left at Heathrow now is casualty, minor servicing, A checks, etc and 767 Majors. The youngest bloke in the hangar where I am is nearly 40! They still expect the same amount of work to be done though!
Hey Dinger, I noticed an advert for a new engine shop going up here at Manston, operated by Summit Aviation, have you ever heard about them? What sort of stuff do they overhaul, do you know? A job there could save me a 100 mile drive to work every night!
Best wishes, guys, JK

Irish Air Corps / Allouette III
« on: February 08, 2007, 08:20:56 pm »
301 Sqn? How did they get that many Squadrons? Is it No1 Sqn, No3 Support Wing? Jeez, things've changed since I was there!

Irish Air Corps / Last Chance
« on: February 08, 2007, 08:17:27 pm »
Careful Frank, Claudel might misinterpret what you mean and publish photos of his POSTERIOR!

Air Corps Apprentice Contact Page / Where are you all?
« on: February 08, 2007, 08:15:06 pm »
Hey lads, what's happening over there? Claudel? How're the PC9s doing? have you been over to Leeming at all? hope they looked after you.
Brand new helis too!

Irish Air Corps / Air Corps at Collins Bks.
« on: December 10, 2006, 10:53:00 am »
No beer in the NCOs Mess at lunchtime anymore! I'll let you know but I doubt if it'll be too soon, more's the pity!
When EUJet were operating from Manston to Dublin I was going to bring over some of my Air Cadets, cheaply, but EUJet went bust!

Irish Air Corps / Air Corps at Collins Bks.
« on: December 07, 2006, 09:41:35 am »
Thanks for that, Tony. As you know it was 6 of us from the 40th Apprentice class who restored the pile of bits in RAF colours to the pristine IAC Vampire back in '77-'78. Under the guidence of 'Rasher' McCann! In between learning about Fouga Magisters. So I've got a bit of affinity with that particular aircraft!

I would like to get over to see the museum again in the future. I'll send you a pm and maybe we could arrange to do a visit together?

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