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Messages - Machlooper

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Aviation News / Re: UK MP wants to stop flying in The Mach Loop
« on: July 28, 2010, 11:46:19 am »
Ok guys. Stop this thread right here!!
 I dont think people should start posting opinions and comments on a subject that is relatively unknown in Ireland. There is a big Sh*%t storm going on in the UK about the Mach Loop for various reasons and these Plaid Cymru MP's are jumping on the bandwagon.
Ive been going to the Machloop for 8 years and Im friends with a lot of locals and I know the majority of people in Dinas Mawddwy. Im also friends with a lot of RAF pilots so I see both sides of the story.
So trust me on this, its being blown way out of context by the anti-low flying lobbyists. A lot of them are people who moved into the area, it would be akin to moving from a residential suburb of Dublin to the firing line on the glen of Imall range. We all know what goes on in the Glen.
The road noise at Dinas is a lot more annoying than the aircraft and the aircraft noise only lasts 2 seconds and is a whoosh rather than a sudden bang. OK, the F-15's can be loud but not hearing damage loud and are not a daily occurance.
Aircraft movements have gone from 50+ a day during the cold war to about 0-10  today, 0900-1800hrs, mon-fri.
The most aircraft recorded in a day recent years was 45 last june and this is an extreme rarity, these guys were working up for Iraq and happened to use the Loop, which is a small part of LFA7 (Low Flying Area) and the LFS (Low Flying System)
F-16's have only been recorded in the Loop once in the past 20 years so dont know where that guy is going and Typhoons, though a little more common these days, are a rarity in the Loop. As a matter of fact it took me 6 years to bag my first one!!! The majority of traffic are Hawks from RAF Valley and the locals say these dont bother them!!!

Anyhoo, I wont harp on , this subject has been done to the death on all the UK forums even before these MPs started their latest rant. Its all about votes and money guys, votes and money!!


Hope they wont want you to change to the green!!!!

Was thinking that today but, apparently once you have served within a Corps for a certain amount of time (5 or 10 yrs??) you can continue to wear the uniform of that Corps.

Irish Air Corps / PC-9 over city.
« on: July 08, 2010, 01:25:27 pm »
Before any body has a hernia the PC-9 over the city today was doing a recce for the annual Commemoration day at Kilmainham on sunday. :ireland:


Military Photography / Re: "Prandtl-Glauert" - Eagles in the Loop
« on: June 08, 2010, 08:43:55 pm »
Hi Joe,
         Do you mean"Bwlch"? LOL!! No I wasnt.
 I was on what we call the "Spur". Its the piece of hill on the opposite side that looks a bit like a knuckle as you stand on the Blwch looking towards the direction the aircraft come from. Its a "cloudy day" hill as I say because otherwise you are shooting into the sun. THe bloody sun came out that day but I think ik got away with it and as a matter of fact I think the sun made the vapour stand out that bit more!


Military Photography / "Prandtl-Glauert" - Eagles in the Loop
« on: June 05, 2010, 07:29:26 am »
Just a quick few of some rather steamy F-15's in the Mach Loop.....


Aviation Waffle / Re: That bloody volcano
« on: May 10, 2010, 05:05:15 pm »
Welcome back, pity you were'nt stranded at some fantastice Air Force base of course!!
That cloud has certainly spread a fair distance now!! Looks like we're safe here for the time being though....

This is for 0600Z tomorrow!!!!..

Air Corps Careers / Re: Need Advice
« on: April 30, 2010, 02:39:59 pm »
my guidance councilor decided to tell me i needed a third language

If you can speak "Bull..." it helps!!!  :airforce_laugh:

Only joking..ahem!!

Good luck with applying.

Aviation Waffle / Re: Frank, nothing better to do???
« on: April 29, 2010, 05:50:30 pm »
Could be worse Tony!!

I must have feck all to do if Im back posting on here .... :banghead:

Been confined to Bed/House for two weeks now after Compressing my spine ejecting from a Typhoon with ash in the engines.....No Wait, that was a hallucination....I put my pelvis out swining a golf club,  :duh:

Have to stop taking them painkillers and Valium  :chillpill: :chillpill:


Aviation Waffle / Re: Irish 'COASTWATCH' aircraft?
« on: April 29, 2010, 05:44:15 pm »
Customs and various govt depts for costal patrols.

EHH...CASA CN-235MP anyone???????????????  :blush:

Military Photography / Cad West,mach Loop
« on: April 29, 2010, 04:15:32 pm »
Another quick evening visit to the Loop:

Sometimes its worth waiting, everyone else had gone home when this came at 18.05. They might all think Im an aul sweat over there and their right. I knew there was a GR9 at Valley and I knew any pilot in their right mind couldnt resist a trip round the loop on their way home but nobody would listen...

Caught me off guard the first time..

And again in lovely golden sunlight....

As I said ..Dont say i didnt tell you so, Im at this game too long  not to know how things pan out!!  :buttrock:


Military Photography / Re: Bluebell Hill in the Mach Loop
« on: April 29, 2010, 04:03:36 pm »
Cracking shots, must really try and get there some day before i'm unable to do the climb.

Dont worry, I know men in ther late 60's doing it. When you get there the buzz takes over and your adrenaline carrys you up the hill!! Though Bluebell where these were shot is a killer. I call it "Blueface". Ive been doing this 8 years and it still kills me, worth it though!!!!!

Me on bluebell with the lads.....

Military Photography / Bluebell Hill in the Mach Loop
« on: April 29, 2010, 02:56:23 pm »
Hi all,
      Havnt posted here in a long long time but seen as Im bed ridden at the moment I decided to post some stuff from a very quick visit to the Mach Loop I had a while ago.

MMM...The Toe???

Hope you like!

Military Exercises / Re: Crown Condor - Fairford
« on: October 18, 2008, 12:41:11 pm »
Hi all,
         Was in the UK for Crown Condor/Joint Warrior but the WX was crap at my end. Managed to get a few images of the GR4's on target in the heavy rain!!!

Please excuse the quality,it was chucking it down!!!


Irish Air Corps / Re: ALCA in the Air Corps
« on: July 21, 2008, 08:48:45 am »
One of this type did actually sport a Silver Swallows badge during the Airshow at Bal in 2000. It was test flown by Air Corps pilots!!



 Some of the pictures have a slight grainyness to them due to the fact that I was trying to get a good balance between shutter speed and aperture, this resulted in iso settinge of between 320 and 500.

Dont worry about it, I think their great. I know its expensive but why not save a few quid and convert to the darkside(excuse the pun) and get a D3, no problems with grain there!!! :thumbsup:


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