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Messages - n-e-foo

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Irish Air Corps / If it was up to you.....
« on: January 04, 2004, 11:38:12 pm »
I'd go for the Gripen.

But just came across this, and its news to me if no-one else:

"In August 2003, the Czech Ministry of Defence announced that it plans to reduce the number of L159 aircraft in service to between 18 and 24. The remainder of its L159 fleet is to be sold."

Now when the article had been written 58 had already been put into service. So this means even cheaper L159's on the market?

I personally wouldnt want it, but is there an appetite within the Air Corps to operate something like the L159?

Irish Air Corps / Learjet 45 -
« on: December 17, 2003, 08:28:05 pm »
I saw that 125 over the IFSC, thought it was a  bloody fighter or something when I heard it.. it was very very low

Irish Air Corps / Light Strike Squadron
« on: December 11, 2003, 11:09:03 am »
Emm, not that I'm one to question the links FF has with the Air Corps, I thought P. Doff or someone else who's in Baldonnel stated that all 8 PC-9's were being assigned to the Flight Training School?

Irish Air Corps / Light Strike Squadron
« on: December 12, 2003, 01:03:46 am »
*Sigh* we're going off topic.

FiannaFail, if your bothered about people taking you seriously, give us a timescale, give us a type.

I do admire your unflinching talk of these as yet elusive jets but come on, throw us a bone '<img'>

Use of the words "soon" and "jets" + similarly vague words are in future prohibited from you regarding aircraft ok? '<img'>

And come on, we want more stories about you fighting the luftwaffe in the 1940's, intercepting that wayward canberra in the 70's, escorting the pope and of course your mission to mars.

Irish Air Corps / RAF Gazelles
« on: November 29, 2003, 09:26:53 pm »

A Canadian AF variant of the civilian Bell 412, itself a variant of the 212. Viable in IAC service?

Irish Air Corps / RAF Gazelles
« on: November 29, 2003, 05:02:23 pm »
Quote (Fouga @ 29 Nov. 2003,06:01)
That dauphin looks italian

I had a look at that photo a few days ago. It was an experimental dauphin variant from the mid 1980's. The flag is french and if I remember it had a French civilian registration, so....

Anyway - if the Air Corps could stick rocket launchers on 172's, could the same not be done with any 212 Heli's bought, if so desired? '<img'>

Irish Air Corps / Dauphins
« on: November 07, 2003, 12:04:26 am »
Ack, I don't see the the ML Heli order happening anytime soon. By that I mean within the next 5 years - I personally am starting to swing for the Dauphin upgrade/ possibly with new aircraft being ordered as a replacement (as originally intended I believe) for the A3.

The way things look on the outside, to me at least, is that the Air Corps are going to be losing that SAR role almost completely so trying to rationalize the purchase of ML heli's to the government might be stretching it a bit considering current circumstances.

Questions - would the Dauphins serve as useful troop transports, if the IAC had 8 (plucking figures from the sky). 4 as dedicated troop transports and maintaining 4 as troop transport/backup SAR aircraft to compliment the Coastguard and maintain proficiency at the SAR role? Compared to ML heli's?

More importantly - is their any appetite within the IAC for keeping an upgraded Dauphin?

And finally. The question of hiring the S-61n for troop transport. Now I could be wrong but as a civilian aircraft the main door on the S-61n seems considerably smaller than its military counterpart.. surely this would raise practicality questions if the aircraft was going to be used to transport troops into a "hotspot", because I imagine they'd want to be getting out of the chopper ASAP. Is this less of an issue than I reckon, if an issue at all? Just spewing some thoughts out '<img'>

Irish Air Corps / Air Corps Pilatus PC-9M
« on: December 11, 2003, 09:07:12 pm »
thats quite interesting silver i didn't know the marchetti had such a capability! i guess its much like any of the weapons the marchetti uses, the trigger is pulled and it starts recording, all the needed technology is in the pod?

but did the air corps ever get such equipment?

something tells me we shouldnt discuss this any further though '<img'>

Irish Air Corps / Air Corps Pilatus PC-9M
« on: December 10, 2003, 12:53:50 am »
You forgot:

- photo ops

Yup how long before we see the minister of defence clamboring in the back to hitch a ride '<img'>

Question to everyone on the board - do you think we need more than 8 PC-9's?

Irish Air Corps / Cessna's - Time to replace?
« on: December 17, 2003, 11:35:40 pm »
I think - and I could well be wrong though - that the 172's are to be used (are being used) as primary trainers for pupils before they go onto the PC-9.. which would rule out the Caravan completely as a replacement.

I think we'll see them soldiering on for quite some time yet....

Irish Air Corps / Cessna's - Time to replace?
« on: December 18, 2003, 12:24:59 am »
I'm just repeating what I heard '<img'> I think the problem is, the small quantity of PC-9's ordered and the age of the Marchetti's, which I thought were going to be retired upon the introduction of the PC-9?! Not that the cessnas are exactly brand spanking new.

Now I must re-emphasise I could be completely wrong, but I did hear this. Also I've seen alot of the 172s doing basic flight manouvres recently, like the circuits Taj spoke about, so I thought that they were in fact being used for the primary training.

Irish Air Corps / Cessna's - Time to replace?
« on: December 18, 2003, 12:08:09 am »
No Silver I'm talking about primary training, its a stage before basic training, other air forces use civilian type planes such as the Bulldog for it '<img'>

Taj I totally agree with you Re: the Caravan for the Army Co-Op role, its just I think I'd die of shock if the government were to okay 3 new aircraft contracts within 5 years. I would love to see the air corps equiped with the caravan though.

theres a link to the RAF's primary trainer. The aircraft are owned & maintained by civilians.. maybe thats an idea for the IAC '<img'>

Irish Air Corps / Cessna's - Time to replace?
« on: December 18, 2003, 01:18:37 pm »
Thanks for clearing that up '<img'>

Irish Air Corps / King Air
« on: October 24, 2003, 04:12:27 pm »
I'm fairly sure I saw the king air in the sky over city west around 3:30 or so today... was tired and coming home on the bus so not 100%... but it was flying low and fast towards baldonnel as it always seems to be when I see it, its a good looking aircraft '<img'>

also so an A3 swinging in.

Irish Air Corps / AIR CORPS SAR TO END !
« on: December 17, 2003, 08:30:59 pm »
Surely this means the aircraft can be stripped, serviced and redesignated to troop transport in the interim? Maybe leave 2 Allouettes with SAR gear.

Could modular SAR gear be bought for the future Heli's in case of emergencies?

And what does this mean for ML heli's? '<img'>

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