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Messages - Pink Panther

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Irish Air Corps / Re: Shannon SAR approaching it's 20th Anniverary.
« on: July 05, 2009, 04:25:00 pm »
You are more than welcome John, and you don't look a day over twenty yourself. :applause:

Irish Air Corps / Re: PC-9's going into storage?
« on: July 04, 2009, 10:22:37 am »
I suppose time will tell.Someting else doing the rounds, but not confirmed is the possibilityof two 139's going into storage.

Aviation Waffle / Re: CHC Irish Coast Guard S-61N's
« on: March 29, 2009, 07:06:46 pm »
EI- MES,EI- CXS - old paint scheme. Due to be resprayed. When, anyone's guess. All the rest have new paint scheme.
CZN no IRCG decals.

Irish Air Corps / HELIO EXPO 2008 IAC DAUPHIN
« on: March 25, 2009, 04:53:48 pm »


Irish Air Corps / Minister escapes injury as door falls off helicopter
« on: March 02, 2009, 05:14:55 pm »
Minister escapes injury as door falls off helicopter
Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism Martin Cullen was fortunate to avoid serious injury this afternoon when the door of a helicopter in which he was travelling came off in mid-air over Killarney National Park.

The Air Corps helicopter was bringing the minister and one of his officials back to Dublin from an Irish Hotels Federation conference in Co Kerry when it was forced to make an emergency landing at a helicopter pad at Killarney Golf & Fishing Club.

It had been in the air for less than three minutes when  the main door on the left hand side came loose and fell 500 feet to the ground. 

According to a Defence Forces statement both passengers and three crew are safe and well. Another helicopter is being diverted from Cork and will be used to bring the minister back to Dublin this evening.

The aircraft, an AW 139, will remain grounded until technicians from Air Corps HQ at Baldonnel examine the aircraft on the ground.

The helicopter had brought Mr Cullen from Waterford to Killarney this  morning and while it can fly with its doors open under  certain speeds, this is normally in military and winching roles.

The Minster for Defence, Willie O’Dea, and the Chief of Staff, Lieutenant General Dermot Earley have been fully updated on the  situation and will be receiving a report on the incident in due course.

Irish Air Corps / Re: SAR tender 2012.
« on: March 01, 2009, 07:50:24 pm »
Taken from another webpage.

Copter bases may go in rescue plan

By Don Lavery

Irish Independent, Sunday March 01 2009

Some of the four helicopter rescue bases used by the Irish Coast Guard could be closed, or relocated, under a €200m plan being considered by the Department of Transport.

The department currently uses helicopter firm CHC Ireland to provide 24/7 search and rescue (SAR) services at Dublin, Shannon, Waterford, and Sligo, where giant Sikorsky S-61N helicopters are each capable of rescuing up to 15 survivors 200 miles off our coast.

But in a 10-year strategy, the department is seeking a new SAR supplier for the decade from 2012 up until 2022.

Tender documents show that the Coast Guard is seeking a successor contract, to include aircrew, maintenance personnel and support services and facilities to provide a broadly similar level of service.

However, it adds that this "may involve a change of current bases, availability or number of aircraft, using more modern helicopters with a national search and rescue role".

This is understood to be a reference to the new breed of fast and more capable helicopters now being used for search and rescue, compared to the S-61 currently in use, whose design dates back 50 years.

Civil contractors in the UK are now using ultra-modern helicopters such as the Sikorsky S-92.

A department spokeswoman said no definite decision had been made on changing or reducing the number of bases being used by the service, and this could depend on what response the tenders brought in.

The SAR service that is operated by the department costs around €25m a year, with a recent three-year contract for CHC Ireland reckoned to be worth €53m to the company.

- Don Lavery

Irish Air Corps / SAR tender 2012.
« on: February 16, 2009, 02:24:26 pm »

Irish Air Corps / Re: What next aircraft?
« on: December 31, 2008, 10:07:47 pm »
I think it is fair to say, that under the current financial climate the state finds itself in, the air corp will have to make do with what it has got for the foreseeable future.
It would be nice to see a few euro going towards providing 24 hr top cover where SAR is concerned.In my opinion 2 casa's are not enough to provide this service along with fishery protection duties as well. :thumbsdown:

Happy new year guys and girls by the way.


Irish Air Corps / Re: What next aircraft?
« on: December 31, 2008, 09:32:54 pm »
..if you want to debate the Defence Forces as a whole go and join IMO or the like and debate it all you want with them 

Debate with IMO, dont think so. They dont like dissent. Had a look at the thread on the AW139, paranoid . Disagree and try to debate, they come at one from all directions.
Gnat :thumbsdown:

(I sting)

Totally agree with you.Paranoid and pedantic. :biggrin:

Irish Air Corps / Re: Coast Guard Helicopter Replacement
« on: April 30, 2008, 06:12:08 pm »
CHC Scotia have replaced the S.61's in the UK with S.92A aircraft on the HM Coastguard contract.  I think the number delivered so far is five. Bristows still have about six S.61's on the contract.


CHC Scotia look after the MCA SAR contract now, using both S-92's and AW 139's, and will untill 2012 when SARH will come into operating, Bristows are out of the loop for the time being.
CHC Irelands "fifth base" so to speak in now in operation as I understand it out of Lee on Solent helping MCA SAR crews transition from the 61 to 92's and 139's and will finish up sometime late summer.When this is completed it will be the end of ethe S-61 SAR era in the UK, and the heli's will be retired to well deserved greener pastures.

Irish Air Corps / Re: CASA call signs when doing top cover
« on: April 11, 2008, 08:43:53 pm »
This may be slightly out of date, but I believe these are the current SAR assets

Rescue 115 - EINN - CHC Helicopters Sikorsky S61N EI-RCG (or EI-CZN spare)
Rescue 116 - EIDW - CHC Helicopters Sikorsky S61N EI-EMS
Rescue 117 - EIWF - CHC Helicopters Sikorsky S61N EI-SAR (or EI-CNL spare)
Rescue 118 - EISG - CHC Helicopters Sikorsky S61N EI-CSX

Current IRCG fleet in no particular order.

All are AWSAR (All weather SAR) cabs except for CZN which is LIMSAR (Limited SAR) backup.

Irish Air Corps / Re: Finally some Galway Activity!
« on: April 04, 2008, 06:13:23 pm »
What possible "operational reasons" could preclude a straightforward reply???  ;)

Good question Tempest, as a lurker on this and other forums I would say it is because some people on this forum and the Irish Military Online forum are so paranoid that if you even mention that a PC9 carries guns and a Panhard can travel at 50 MPH the posting would be deleted. :blues:

I have to agree with you, particularly where IMO are concerned.I stopped contributing to it. Don't even think of mentioning the "fiat 139 hanger queens" as they are known  in the don, and if you do, don't expect the thread to stay there for any period of time.

All they need now are hospitals with suitable landing pads and this might actually work. :banghead:

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