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Messages - n-e-foo

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Irish Air Corps / AIR CORPS SAR TO END !
« on: December 18, 2003, 08:50:59 pm »
Bob I don't know that much! I freely admit it. Thats why I'm on this board so I can find things out, I dont have pretensions otherwise like you make out.

I didnt say the s-61n couldnt compare and going back to the original point I never even suggested the s-61 for the transport role! I just thought, visually the door seemed smaller which meant it would not be ideal for troop transport.
If I'm wrong fair enough you obviously know what your talking about, but I'm here to find stuff out, not to be insulted.


Irish Air Corps / AIR CORPS SAR TO END !
« on: December 18, 2003, 08:14:02 pm »
A case of Jack of all trades, master of none? Nothing new then... Plus will this mean the continuation of dayglow coloured helicopters in the troop transport role, surely somethings wrong with that?!

Irish Air Corps / AIR CORPS SAR TO END !
« on: December 18, 2003, 07:32:50 pm »
Yup I meant the Dauphins, I didn't mean rip apart the S-61n :/

The doorway isnt exactly condusive to allowing troops pour on and off on the S-61n anyway in the troop transport tole, compared to RAF Seakings

Irish Air Corps / Six One
« on: December 17, 2003, 11:20:12 pm »
The thinking will be (at least by the minister for finance) that because the Air Corps no longer have an SAR role, they wont need as many helicopters.

I honestly cant see an order for more than 4 + 4 on option going through within 5 years, unless the government are truley commited to the defence forces. Remember the Allouettes were bought gradually over a long period.

I was thinking the same re: what would this mean for training and the secondhand gazelle interim solution sounds like an idea - especially since there seems to be quite a few nocking about. Or will they use an A3 or two?!

Irish Air Corps / What's this?!
« on: December 17, 2003, 08:26:12 pm »
Wasnt santa was it? '<img'>

Irish Air Corps / Harrier Jets
« on: December 07, 2003, 04:35:04 pm »
I think its rather unfortunate that in being realistic we wind up ruling so many good aircraft out. The Harrier is a very capable jet and in many ways a potentially good aircraft for the Air Corps. Aircraft such as the Grippen, Eurofighter, when suggested by newbies on the board, are laughed out of the place by the people who know what they are talking about and realise its never going to happen. The fact they are right; that the government will most likely not in our lifetimes (im 20) provide the air corps adequately is a travesty. And I'm not just talking about jets, I'm talking about transport, about helecopters about naval ships and our ability (or lack thereof) to provide our troops with any decent level of support when they go abroad. At least as I see it.

I hope the government in the future do provide the funds to allow the air corps move on to the next generation of light fighter aircraft, such as the Mako, but judging by the current status of the air corps, that doesnt look at all likely. I increasingly find the figure of 8 PC-9M's a joke. 8 aircraft for the flight training school. And training for what exactly? Cessna's? Should not at least 12-14 been purchased, allowing for attrition - and what of the display team? Thats not even bringing in the question of making use of their defensive capabilities...

I also originally thought that a very small number of fighter aircraft would be viable but the more I learn, the more it seems a figure of 12 is the bare minimum. When the Air Corps cant even operate a turboprop trainer in such numbers I very much doubt they can dream of jets in such numbers...

Even in an emergency I doubt such aircraft would be bought, there was a civil war up the road from us for 30 years and the Gardai only got suitable aircraft after it had effectively ended. Again as I said before I don't want a great defence forces at the cost of an effective healthcare system or the like, but the government seems completely inept at providing either at the present time.

Finally on the question of helecopters - when this country was in the shithouse (excuse the language) the government was able to afford 2 new Gazelles and new Dauphins. Yet on this board we're forced into discussing the purchase of old secondhand aircraft - and even on that topic it seems like the purchase of such equipment is a pipe dream!

Its not good enough '<img'>

Irish Air Corps / Harrier Jets
« on: December 07, 2003, 01:26:53 am »
Imshi goes into this better in the "which jet" post. The Harrier has a high accident rate and is slow. If we ever do operate jets again in the future, it will be in small numbers. Less than 20. So the idea of getting something like the Harrier would be a mistake, in my opinion. If previous Air Corps losses are anything to go by they'd never be replaced.

The Air Corp need something economical, reliable and effective. The Harrier is effective but thats not enough.

The question of dispersion in the event of war is a bit of a non issue for me. I went into this before in another post. If we were ever to be invaded we could never operate any jet in the numbers required to be an effective force. Either we'd be invaded by the US or the UK (not gonna happen) or by some nation who had already beaten the US/UK - so ever 400 Fast Jets would really make any odds.

The F-5 seems the most likely option - however I am seriously put off by its age. Grippens or the like are the way to go, alas I cant see that kind of money being allocated.

Irish Air Corps / Strip the Dauphins
« on: December 17, 2003, 11:37:06 pm »

Imshi it makes sense to me, maybe the techies would tell us whether its practical to do or not?

Irish Air Corps / Dáil quotes
« on: December 17, 2003, 02:13:06 am »
"I heard that the United States Government some time ago offered us an interest free loan to purchase ships and weapons from the United States. The only snag is that they would service them and supply the spare parts. Now that the United States has withdrawn from South Vietnam there is a huge volume of surplus military equipment in the US."

02 May, 1973


In this one from 1988, if i'm reading it right, states that an average of about 380 USAF aircraft flew over Ireland, EACH MONTH! It peaked at  604!

I think this is funny seeing as we reckon the RAF are obliged to look after Ireland:

We have always recognised Britain's legitimate concern that her western flank should be secure. As far back as 1921, Eamon de Valera stated quite clearly that we would provide for our own defence, that we would guarantee to repel by force any foreign power, and that we would allow no outside nation to use Ireland as a base for attack on Britain. That policy clearly enunciated many times by Eamon de Valera is still our policy.

11 March, 1981


Also of note is the delay of Dauphin into Irish service. The delay seemingly centred around the advanced equipment the air corps wanted fitted to it.. Aerospatiale were spending the time trying to size down the computer systems to save weight/space. And now these aircraft are on the brink of retirement?! As someone pointed out before, surely with the advances in computer technology the Dauphins could be upgraded and have a useful future with the Air Corps?!

Anyways theres just a few.. go and have a search yourselves, god only knows what you'll turn up

Irish Air Corps / Air Corps SA365's
« on: December 17, 2003, 11:23:39 pm »
As far as I know the Swedes use the A109M with their navy - so if thats the type to be ordered, maybe it could lead to a return of Heli operations to Eithne, I wouldnt hold my breath though.

Irish Air Corps / Future Air Corps ORBAT
« on: December 16, 2003, 07:52:51 pm »
Um, before I come to that question: what was the GOC doing on the news in the first place?!?!

Irish Air Corps / Future Air Corps ORBAT
« on: December 17, 2003, 11:14:41 pm »
I honestly don't know Silver. I can't see the Casa being switched to another operation. At least not yet. Then what about the King Air? The government jet?

Two types of aircraft? maybe it was a pointless statement meaning the AC will operate both helicopters and planes?!

I have no idea.. anyway..

Irish Air Corps / 8-ship helecopter formation
« on: August 11, 2003, 07:10:48 pm »
Just wondering had anyone else spotted the spectacle of 8 air corps helecopters in formation today? it consisted of 3 Dauphins and either 4 or 5 Allouettes, or possibly a Gazelle.

Unfortunately Frank I hadnt a camera to hand, but it was quite spectacular sight, very noisey too '<img'>

P.Doff, was it for a passing out ceremony or where there just alot of bored pilots who wanted to take advantage of the weather? '<img'>


Irish Air Corps / Why the Air Corps isn't better equipped
« on: October 19, 2003, 02:44:54 pm »
for me, theres a whole plethora of reasons why the air corps, and the army as a whole are not better equipped.

i think first and foremost is the fact that for 70 odd years of our states existence we were scraping by and money had to be spent on other more immediate things out of simple neccessity, so when our economy started "booming" in the mid to late 90's, there was no culture of defence spending.

when theres no culture there in the first place and our country is still alive and well after the "troubles" and the cold war, the government rationale and its fairly sound, is well lets continue the occasional purchase here and there, its served us ok thus far.

another reason, and actually this is vying for pole position as the main reason our DF is poorly equipped; jets, mbt's and frigates do not and will not win you votes.

our road systems, health, the luas etc, they are all in a mess because the same government rationale as we had throughout the 70's and 80's still presided. lets do it for the lowest possible cost, screw quality. so now as our economy hits a bumb in the road, they are a shambles and all available money has to be spent trying to clean up the mess and i'm sure at the end of it the results still wont be satisfactory.

when thats the level of leadership your dealing with, you can forget a well equipped defence force.

i dont support any political party and i think saying one party or the other would do a better job is a joke, i dont want a party in power who'll buy 24 f-16's and then @#!~ up the health care system.

governments will neglect what they can as long as they can

Irish Air Corps / Why the Air Corps isn't better equipped
« on: October 20, 2003, 10:47:07 pm »
Quote (Silver @ 20 Oct. 2003,13:38)
He is a she !

you know everything they spout is pure bull and your willing to trust them on what they say their sex is? '<img'>

ack this is going way off topic. how about someone creates the fiannafail topic '<img'>

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