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Messages - Ronan

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Irish Air Corps / Day to day life in the AC
« on: April 16, 2004, 04:26:29 pm »
does anyone know about this "adventure training"?
and is FF actually a pilot in the corp?

Irish Air Corps / Cadetships 2004
« on: April 07, 2004, 01:45:58 am »
im going for the army aswell as the air corp next year.. will it be viewed that im not fully commited to one in particular or  that im just enthuastic and trying for both. do they like to see this?  and can you be offered both and have to choose..if lucky enough to get far in them?

Irish Air Corps / PC-9M air to air pics
« on: April 06, 2004, 02:53:03 pm »
why does it say "260" on the side?

Irish Air Corps / PC-9M air to air pics
« on: April 06, 2004, 02:43:20 pm »
id say the instructors had a ball flying those! the boys up in baldonnel said they are too fast for a trainer aircraft!!

Irish Air Corps / Cadetships 2004
« on: April 05, 2004, 10:21:34 pm » you were saying in your pm joey. about putting my trip down in the application form under
"defence force`s establishments visited" i will. but what about for the army application.. will i mention all the barracks i`ve been to over my term with the RDF or is it strictly for visits in your own civvie time? any thoughts guys.

Irish Air Corps / Cadetships 2004
« on: April 05, 2004, 08:45:18 pm »
I went to baldonnel for my planned visit, so i said id tell ye all about my day..
the visit was absolutely brillant..
i arrived at 2 and waited for about ten mins for a corporal to come out. a  girl about 20 was waiting with me to go for an interview. she seemed pretty switched on. her brother is an instructor at the cadet school and spent the last three weeks in switzerland test driving the pilatus (lucky guy!!)
the corporal came and he was sound out he brought me to the heli`s first and we sat in the dauphin for about 30 mins chatting away answering questions i had. there was absolutely no hurry on him at all and he explained every square inch of the helis and let me mess around with the controls. i couldnt get over how big the dauphin is in real life!!
he went through how a heli and plane are maneuvered and the physics behind it all (which was a big help to me) he went through all the different engines and told me a lot of the  technical questions that might come up. he told me all about how lift is created and athmospeheric pressure..etc. all very helpful.
next we went to the marchettis and fiddeled around with the controls. then the highlight of the day.. i got to go into the cadet school and three young officers only finished the wings course answered the 30 questions and querys i had written down to ask them. they were really sound and put me at ease. we spent about 30 mins talking to them. the things i was mainly worried was the fact that although im 5ft 6" im still fairly scrawny and i thought this would come against me but they said not in the aircorp cos they want you to fly and aren`t really worried when your over that height at the end of the day. also they said that having a degree and being older isn`t a major advantage at all and they sometimes prefer to take people straight from secondary school cos they can be less inquisitive and follow orders better. i was worried about my ability in the field of spacial intelligence but they said just to practise practise practise on aptitude books and il be fine. apart from that they said the golden rule is to be yourself, be open, and be honest, have lots of good examples of the seven concepts (especially technical aptitude) and know the hows and whys of a  working plane and the air corp in general and i`d be fine!!
so im really happy cos i realise its a lot less pressurised than i expected and i know exactly what i`ve to do and what`s ahead of me.
it really was a great experience and it`s a nice place but really poorly signposted for us country folk.
also the girl i was talking to said the height restriction has gone down to 5ft 4" this true? it must be cos she passed the physical test.


Irish Air Corps / flying lessons for cadetships..will i continue?
« on: March 29, 2004, 11:22:11 pm »
thanks take on board what ye`r saying.
as regards the theory behind flight from beginners level (where im at) to there any good books or websites that will it explain it to you and give you a better understanding?

Irish Air Corps / Alouette 4 ship formation pictures
« on: March 28, 2004, 10:22:19 pm »
where were ye flying over when the pic was taken frank?

Irish Air Corps / flying lessons for cadetships..will i continue?
« on: March 28, 2004, 10:19:25 pm »
thanks guys.. well im not really considering going to anywhere else but coonagh as they are too far away.
ye`r right though,
im just going to keep it going to firstly (as joey d said) get experience and see if its the life i want and for the sheer fun of it. '<img'>
do the IAC only regard flight experience on the better types of planes as good? ie: will they not give a rats arse if ive been up in the skies for couple of hours in a ralyee.
honest answers please!!

Irish Air Corps / flying lessons for cadetships..will i continue?
« on: March 28, 2004, 05:23:48 pm »
well at the moment im doing it in coonagh.. which is 20 miles away. the next place is galway which is an hour and a half away by car! anyone else have any suggestions as to whether il continue or not?

Irish Air Corps / flying lessons for cadetships..will i continue?
« on: March 28, 2004, 02:58:58 pm »
on saturday i went for my first flying lesson, in the hope of building up a few hours so it would be of some advantage for the air corp selection next year.
it was the usual introductory one you would get where you are explained all the main components rudder,ailerons, elevator etc and what they do. we weny up for 30 mins and the instructor let me have full control after take off right untill we came back (about 6 seconds before the runway when he took over again..a little bit nervewrecking!!) i thoroughly enjoyed the experience and didn`t have any problems maneuvering the plane. anyways im rambling a bit so il get to the point.
he agreed with me that the price was outrageous at 70 euro for only 30 mins and told me that me building up a few hours of flight training was a complete waste of time if it was just to impress the air corps in some small way. I was flying a Ralyee plane (he called it a flying bathtub). he said that they would not be one bit interested in me having a few hours on a ralyee plane because it is the lowest of the low plane. he also said when it really boiled down to final selection it wouldnt matter a damn.
he said that the air corp dont really serve a purpose to the nation anymore now that SAR is gone and it will be phased out in the coming years because it simply costs too much money for the govt. i argued with him on these points but he seems like a very wise man who has been flying planes for 40 years and knows what he is talking about. he also has some dealings with the air corp so i was inclined to believe him on what he said.
so.. im left with a decision. do i continue to fork out money for a couple of hours on a "s**t plane" that the air corp wont care about or do i continue on and build up a few hours to impress them a tiny bit?
im hoping the experienced guys can help me in answering my questions and tell me if the "experienced man" is right.

Irish Air Corps / Cadetships 2004
« on: March 23, 2004, 10:00:59 pm »
i would like to say first of all to gideon thanks for the best`s`always nice to hear people who genuinely wish you luck. '<img'>
i would also like to come to the defence of alpha..
2 months ago I stumbled across this site by accident never even knowing there was a forum..i had a sketchy idea of the selection process and the air corps in general. now i have a very good knowledge of whats ahead of me and what i have got to do..and a lot of credit goes to alpha for this. he has given me a lot of time in answering all my questions (no matter how silly) and always is helpful in the information he gives. to this i am very thankful. if the guy has a grudge, he has a grudge.. i personally did not see this in his posts and only found out he was discharged 5 mins ago when i read gideons post..
 i want to be a pilot in the Irish Air Corp`s and that`s that..whether it comes to fruition is out of my hands..except when it comes to preparing..and that`s where ye guys (especially Alpha) have helped me.
so thanks a million for all yer help,`cos honestly id be lost without ye!

Irish Air Corps / Puma
« on: March 23, 2004, 01:35:18 pm »
well said..couldn`t have put it better myself.

Irish Air Corps / Cadetships 2004
« on: March 22, 2004, 08:44:02 pm »
whats baldonnel like as regards accomodation..facilites..being modern..etc?

Irish Air Corps / Orish
« on: March 22, 2004, 08:38:31 pm »
for a little nation we`ve got some great teams

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