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Messages - n-e-foo

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Irish Air Corps / Why the Air Corps isn't better equipped
« on: October 20, 2003, 10:25:11 pm »
Quote (John K @ 20 Oct. 2003,02:32)

sorry, i'm well aware of the kind of thing fiannafail spouts. at this stage though, its gone on so damn long, the guys either a seriously deranged psychopathic lunatic or a comic genius. i'm going with the latter, why? cos it allows me to sleep better at night.

ignore the guy if he bugs you, he used to bug me, now i just laugh.

Irish Air Corps / Why the Air Corps isn't better equipped
« on: October 19, 2003, 10:45:30 pm »
Quote (Turkey @ 19 Oct. 2003,13:41)
Frank, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, ban this a$$hole, pleeeeaaaaaassssssssseeee?

I think this guys a comic genius and should be treated as such.

i reckon he's a former air corps pilot who went utterly insane. bravo fianna fail, youve said alot and i'm sure theres alot more to be said

Irish Air Corps / Naval Service Pilots.
« on: November 09, 2003, 09:43:15 pm »
Quote from: FiannaFail,09 Nov. 2003,11:59
I'm really not sure where I stand on this issue. If you take the Naval area out of the Air Corps roles (and the garda role?), I really think - based on the current equipment they'd be left with, moral will fall even further through the floor.

Now heres the other side of the coin. The Air Corp have thousands of applications each year from prospective pilots, now I find it a complete farce that people so eager to join and presumably serve their country would so easily be put off by the prospect of a few weeks at sea every six months or so. I find it a joke. If you join the air corp surely you expect to have to work for your bread and every so often have to "put up with" the same level of comfort members of the Naval Service do from the time they enlist to the time they leave and probably for a hell of a lot less money.

Maybe the solution is a bit of both. Have an Irish Air Corps Naval Squadron, based out of Cork Airport or Shannon, using the Casa's and Dauphins. A complete split of the air corps would be counter productive - i think. I don't know though do I?

The Air Corps need a role. They need the proper equipment to have a role, leaving them with a few A3's, some PC-9's and Cessna's isnt doing that. Saying they might get a few new types in the future doesnt it either.

Just a few thoughts....

Irish Air Corps / Quick question
« on: January 05, 2004, 12:12:06 pm »
Just saw a light looking heli' with a fenestron, it seemed to be all blue, I only got a quick look at it though. I'm 90% sure it wasnt the Garda EC-135, it doesnt generally fly over here anyway.

Is it a heli in baldonnel for evaluation? I ask because thats where it was flying towards.

Ok I know its probably going to wind up being a civilian owned chopper, just asking though '<img'>

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