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Messages - S-61N

Pages: [1]
Irish Air Corps / Puma
« on: March 23, 2004, 01:08:06 pm »
Quote (cygnet @ 22 Mar. 2004,09:27)
Military PERSONNEL ARE CIVILLIANS IN UNIFORM AND AS ENTITLED TO PROTEST AS THE NEXT PERSON !! Although he/she may have been a bit misguided they are entitled to express their feeelings ............ '<img'>

sorry cygnet but i think you are mistaken,they are not civillians in uniform.
thats why it's the military police are investigating,not the gardai.
if found guilty the person will stand in a military court,not civil.

when you put on that uniform your actions reflect directly on your country and fellow countrymen.

if your a soldier you don't have the right to express free will or make political follow orders and carry out your duties,plain and simple. '<img'>

Irish Air Corps / Light utility heli's
« on: March 09, 2004, 01:09:45 pm »
hi guys i'm new to the board,from what i've heard the aercorps plan to buy second hand huey's
this would make alot of sense for several reasons...
1) they are well regarded as being a flexable workhorse chopper
2)have more cabin space than the dauphin
3)spares are not a problem 1000's of hueys are still airborn
4)it's a low maintainance machine by comparison
5) can carry underslung loads i.e munitions/artillery
6)as the usmc have sold their machines back to bell for re-fit(to be replaced by blackhawks) there are vast numbers available now,so they could be delivered very quickly
7)easily upgraded airframe i.e to a four blade rotor instead of two.a wide range of avionics on hand

the dauphin will time expire this summer.the airframes are fine but the avionics are outdated and thats the problem.even to convert the dauphin's to a daytime/overland troop carrier only role would still cost millions per chopper because it's a digital/analog hybrid.

it's ironic that the us offered us (practically) free huey's after vietnam but we declined because of our nutrality,that we could have had a fleet like this years ago.

btw i heard the number was ten? so maybe it's six with an option for another 4

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