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Messages - VonTaunitz

Pages: [1]
Irish Air Corps / Definite Plans for the Aer Chor
« on: May 08, 2004, 05:07:22 am »
i heard from a good line in the don that a helicopter company came in last week and "suggested that if" (HA HA) the Air Corps were to start a tender process that they would offer such and such... at a very good price...

I wonder did the appearance of that article have anything to do with the same people... i.e. Eurocopter. Hence the uncertainty over the tender status.

Sorry I've been snooping  '<img'>

Irish Air Corps / Puma's?
« on: May 08, 2004, 04:32:55 am »
if true thats great news alpha  '<img'>

let the speculation begin!

Irish Air Corps / Puma's?
« on: May 06, 2004, 10:12:11 pm »
While there is merit in your suggestion, I personally feel the Air Corps should only go for new equipment. Or at least equipment made in the last 5 years.

Yes its much more costly, but buying secondhand your merely getting a second rate aircraft that will serve half the time. It would be a stopgap. Paying 3 million for a stop gap doesnt make sense to me.

If the Air Corps have a future in which they support the defence forces abroad, then they need the best, most modern equipment.

Irish Air Corps / Fatal Air Corps Cessna crash
« on: May 06, 2004, 07:32:49 pm »
My deepest sympathies go to his family and friends on this terrible day. May he rest in peace.

Irish Air Corps / Puma's?
« on: May 06, 2004, 03:19:52 am »
Silver while Pumas would be better for troop transport etc it would still leave the need for light helecopters for training purposes and everyones favourite job, ministerial transport.

I sincerely hope the LUHs are being looked at as only part of the jig saw. Medium lift heli's are a must.

JohnK The cougar is an improved version of the Puma rather than the Dauphin. I think the revised/remarketed Dauphin is called the Panther or something.

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