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Messages - Willie

Pages: [1]
Irish Air Corps / The Air Corps Collar Badge
« on: March 13, 2005, 05:07:00 pm »
Hi Tony,

Thank you for the information you provided about so called abuses of the "flag".

My first inclination was to tell you to eat more fiber and that "besetning" was right on the mark. I won't, you are entitled to your opinion as is everyone else.

A bit about me, 52 years old. Viet Nam veteran, blue collar working stiff and family man. No college degree, but I did manage to get 3 years of college before financial obligations decided my future for me.

I am a US citizen. If you want to see abuses of flag display, you do not have to look far in my part of the world. I see them on a daily basis here in the states.

As for your comment above, I am a member of the group you questioned, as is Frank. We have several native born Irish gents in the mix. Our group is rather unique and composed of gentlemen of a like mind from all over Europe and the US. We are there for the comeraderie first and the game second.

As for Ireland? I went on a 10 day visit to that wonderful country in '98. I went in December so there would not be as many "rude yanks" to contend with. My visit was memorable and most enjoyable. I sat in more pubs than I can remember and was TOTALLY impressed by the open friendship displayed by the people. My roots are scandinavian. My people helped settle Ireland.

Back the issue at hand, I find it interesting that with all of the native born Irishmen in our little group, NONE have seen fit to comment in the manner to which you have. Our native born gents hail not only from Ireland, but from all parts of the globe as well. That flag belongs to the people. The people are entitled to their opinions and differences.

Frank is one of the most gentle and helpful men that I have ever had the pleasure to meet via cyberspace. He will go the extra mile for anyone. I assure you that what he says is what he means. He has NEVER demonstrated any disrespect or meanness of spirit in the 2 years that I have beeen acquainted with him. ( unless he is on your "six", then you better have your ducks in a row or he will fill your virtual plane FULL of virtual holes. LOL).

I suggest to you, Tony, that this matter is but a "tempest in a teapot". I can also give you a link to a site that has the Irish Flag made into swimsuits for ladies and gents. Would you complain to them also?

We are proud of Frank's efforts on our behalf.

Thanks gents for the use of your forum, I now return you to regularly scheduled broadcasting.

William Barkley Palm III
Fort Worth, TEXAS
(Yes, that is my full name. My father had no imagination.)

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