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Messages - SARMAN

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Irish Air Corps / Re: AW 139 questions
« on: February 27, 2008, 07:27:36 pm »
Here is a SAR 139...

If I understand correctly, CHC will replace its current fleet in the UK with 2 Sikorsky S92 in the Scottish Bases, and 2 AW139 in its south of England bases. Any reasoning behind the North/south split, apart from the Larger areas the S92 would be routinely expected to cover, Heberdies, Orkneys, Highlands etc?

The main reason for the two different type of aircraft is simple its what the HM CG wanted, no real need for 2 S92's in the south.

Irish Air Corps / Re: AW 139 questions
« on: February 21, 2008, 05:04:29 pm »
Any truth in the rumor that a 139 had an emergency landing yesterday and ended up stuck in a feild??

Irish Air Corps / Re: AW 139 questions
« on: February 05, 2008, 09:37:37 am »
Here is a SAR 139...

Irish Air Corps / Alouette 5 ship Formation today
« on: September 18, 2007, 12:59:12 pm »
Bit of practice for Friday perhaps!!

Irish Air Corps / What should the Major Air Corps Roles Be?
« on: August 23, 2007, 07:45:52 pm »
Ya it was C253, on top cover off the west coast, Medevac from French fishing vessel.  The CASA was on the ground in Galway at the time of the call, pilot training I am told..
Maybee we could get a CASA based there!!

I think everyone knows that no one on this board will be making the call on what to do with Air-Corp's aircraft and how they are deployed, I thought it was a forum for discussing what would be the best options, I tend to take what is said on a forum with a pinch of salt, and a or organisation is better than your organisation is always a bad sign..  Sh*** throwing and people will take some things personnal then it get's messy..

It is obvious that if the Air-corps where to provide a 24/7 SAR unit for top cover it would have to be 1. Manned properly (both crews and tech's), 2. Have an Aircraft available, 3.  Have top cover trained crews available.
I know that the CASA's currently do a large amount of flying and I can see how one pilot or SARO getting of a patrol should never be used for a top cover shout, very dangerous, a Flight Time Limitation would have to be put into place and enforced.  I feel it would be a step in the right dirrection for the Air-corps, both for flight time in an operational theatre and in flight experience, night time in sh*** weather 200nm of the west coast can be as challanging as it can be, think of the invaluable experience this would give to all the crews involved..

Irish Air Corps / What should the Major Air Corps Roles Be?
« on: August 19, 2007, 04:38:29 pm »
Sorry if I offended you..
I really enjoyed my time in the AC I am not bitter, nothing to be bitter about, the aircorps gave me the best experience of my life..
I would not say it was bitterness I was bringing, just fact's!!  
I infact praised the CASA crews and there professionalism in my last post..  Such a good unit and if put on call 24/7 to provide top cover for SAR in the Irish SAR region it would be a major step forward, with the increase in the inavalabilty of other resources such as Nimrods and Herc's for top cover, it would be great if the CASA's could be used in this role..

As for my question on what back up service. I know the AC now have lovely new aircraft with hoists, who is No 3's tasking agency?  And in what circumstance would a back up to the current service be needed?  Major flood in D4 for example!!!

Irish Air Corps / What should the Major Air Corps Roles Be?
« on: August 17, 2007, 02:40:12 pm »
Good to see the old CG heli's getting a slagging off here, ironic me thinks.  The under-informed of the bunch. Have a look at Irelands SAR region and then tell me that the Irish Coast Guard need help from the RAF, if anything the majority of SAR flghts flown by some bases are helping the UK MCA.  As for the rest of the posts about the under use of the other aircraft I can only talk about one more that I have worked with, the CASA when available for top cover they are the best at there job, but it can be quite hard to get them out in the hours of darkness, the last 20 times I have requested top cover for a long range job 8 times it has been the RAF who provided it and the other 12 we have gone without..  (And before someone asks yes the question did reach Bal, the GDO) Its a sad state of affairs that two CASA's are sitting on the ground when long range SAR's where top cover is dearly needed can't be supplied...  

"when the AIII finally go in September that there will be no gap in the back up service the Air Corps provide in the SAR role."
What back up service???


Irish Air Corps / SAR Legend
« on: June 11, 2007, 02:01:01 pm »
I would like to wish a very special man all the best with his retirement.  
Mr Search And Rescue, John Manning
John is today (11/06/80) doing his last shift in Waterford as a crewman with CHC. (hope its a quite one, deck chairs out and light the barbee!!!)
Many people will know John from the aircorps, or civil SAR.  I have to say that having had the opertunity to work with such a skilled winch operator and winchman I personnally will miss him, I believe he is a living legend with his abundance of experience, ability and of course words cannot describe what John has brought to many crewrooms in his time as a SAR crewman.  John you are a true gentlemen you will be missed by everyone who has had the pleasure of working with you.
I would like to wish you and your family all the best in the future, and there will always be a cup of tea with your name on it in any crewroom around the country.
Best of luck John Manning  'applause' 'buttrock'

Irish Air Corps / AW.139 276 on the move.
« on: May 04, 2007, 12:50:06 pm »
Am I seeing things or where there 3 139's flying over lahinch/cliffs of Moher yesterday, or is the sun and heat getting to me???
I heard a little rumor of a stand-down type session in Bal around September, for the good old A III, any truth in this, what the little birdy told me that anyone who flew in or worked on it would be invited.  If anyone knows anything could they please let me know was the makings of a great day..

Irish Air Corps / New Helis at Baldonnel
« on: November 30, 2006, 07:54:06 pm »
I have to say looking at the pics on this thread the Air corps have done it right this time, 139 is the dogs fair play to all involved  'applause'
196 is looking very well sad day to see that go what sort of cash would I have to put up to get my hands on it, its a classic.. (not sure the bank manager would agree)

Sorry if I was OTT on the previous thread and to answer ST, I am a very very happy SARMAN!!!
Peace ST  'buttrock'

Irish Air Corps / EC135 & AW139 questions
« on: November 26, 2006, 09:35:50 am »
Sounds a bit scary to me, is it true that a LT Col was flying at the time???  '<img'>
Good to hear no one was injured and there back safe, was it a technical problem or a human error problem? not that that would happen, be interesting to see the outcome of that investigation, not that the truth will come out!!
Great to see the corps getting such a good aircraft and what an aircraft it is, interested in what sort of roles it will be doing and is there ever a chance of it seeing overseas deployment or will it be a minister's taxi?
Just one observation from the photo's will it always be so low to the ground, looks like if you where to land in a field etc you would take some of the antenna's of the bottom of the aircraft, can the undercarrage be charged or was it heavy when the pic's where taken.  Other than that it's shit hot  'buttrock'

Irish Air Corps / Tory Island Heli Service
« on: November 16, 2006, 04:30:03 pm »
Sounds to me like its the contract that the Scotish based heli company is currently doing, is up for re-tender, if they are Scotish based then Irish Commercial air transport rules do not apply because they are more than likely working out of there Scotish based AOC.

Talking about the Sligo s61 and the island medivacs the lads are saying they are not doing half as much as the old Finner days.

Someone with more local knowledge may be able to answer these questions I have, why dont they have there own lifeboat on Tory for non-emergency type work?? ( the nearest all weather life boat to Tory at the minute is Lough Swilly or Arranmore)  
This system work's well on the Aran Islands that the lifeboat would transfere the patient if not in a potentially life threating condition.. "Just a thought"

Another question is I was told that the harbour on Tory has been upgraded so that it can take a ferry in all conditions would this not cut out the old Finner days of there has been no Ferry in a week I have to go and do the lotto and cash my dole (for the island!!!)

I am not taking a swipe at the Islanders on Tory I feel that they are entitled better health care in Ireland but look at the "MAIN LANDERS" who have to suffer with a poor fleet of ambulances and poorly crewed (not enough crews and ambulances that would in other countrys be put off the road) in sometimes one hour plus to hospital after the ambulance get's to you..

If it keeps going the way its going Tory will be the place to live and Patsy Dan will be my King and King of Ireland if he managed to get for the rest of Ireland what he has got for Tory!!!
Rant over...  'buttrock'

Irish Air Corps / Aircraft Over Galway Bay
« on: October 19, 2006, 09:59:48 am »
I was airborn in Galway bay yesterday evening 18/10/06 between 1630 to 1730 local and the Dash-8 was out doing survey work 1500 feet and below..

Irish Air Corps / NS air
« on: October 04, 2006, 12:05:55 pm »
I seen him jump out of the 135 at a major incident exercise in Shannon  'buttrock'

Irish Air Corps / NS air
« on: October 04, 2006, 09:04:34 am »
I have to agree with 242 on this one such a waste to see them for sale for not much more than an average house in the capital is a shame..
Hopefully they go to a good home, as for the naval option it sounds good on paper but correct me if I am wrong but was 248 not a naval version..
The four remaining would have to be fully re-fit anyway, but what naval vessel bar one would be able to take ship born op's..
The navy having responsibility for aircraft might see them in a more operational role than the 135 is doing now transporting Cpl O'Dee around the country, I am sure the lads on the unit are not impressed doing this as it used to p*** me off no end when operations where canceled due to a minister or some twat wanting to look good landing at a meeting or event by heli..
Sad day for the corps to see the fleet of Delta Hotels being sold for cents...  'thumbsdown'

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