It looks like they should have kept the Alouettes after all. Isn't A195 in good condition at Baldonnel? Maybe they can wheel her out and fire her up. She will gladly carry the slack while the AW139s get sorted out.
Seriously though, it will be interesting to see how the tail rotor issue is solved. Will they have to redesign the tail rotor altogether or just improve the manufacturing process? And when they do solve the problems, will they replace the tail rotors free-of-charge to operators (as car manufacturers usually do when they find defects in their products) or will they charge all operators for the new replacement blades? Thankfully, none of the IAC AW139s have suffered any serious incidents as a result of these problems and all the crews are OK.
I think the AIII's should be brought back into service alright, nothing but trouble with the 139's since they came and the AIII's would be a bit cheaper to operate.
As far as I know the problem with the Tail Rotor is actually with the tail rotor blades. The blades seem to be braking in flight near the attatchment point and causing an unbalance when they shear off thus bringing the TR gearbox with them. Looks like every tail rotor blade has to be replaced after 600hrs now. I doubt AW will pay for the baldes either only improve the manufacturing process.