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Messages - casper

Pages: [1]
Irish Air Corps / Flying members
« on: July 16, 2004, 12:21:59 am »
i flew to the usa and back on air lingus but that wont count because i was more comfortable in the cessna years ago.

Air Corps Apprentice Contact Page / 54th app class
« on: July 16, 2004, 12:17:38 am »
there were a lot off rockapes in the don.which one off them are you?'<img'>?'<img'>

Air Corps Apprentice Contact Page / 54th app class
« on: June 06, 2004, 12:56:43 am »
yes airman stall,he did let him join.they used to call him the deputy,apparantly the old man was the sheriff or that was the rumour anyway.i have been in the usa all the time,this is the country, plenty dollars thank god

Air Corps Apprentice Contact Page / 54th app class
« on: May 26, 2004, 06:09:16 am »
niall bracken,gary hillard,matt cummins jr,gerry morgan,anyone off those,
thanks for your help claudel

casper '<img'>

Air Corps Apprentice Contact Page / 54th app class
« on: May 21, 2004, 04:07:04 am »
back again.still trying to locate any one from my era in the app school or beyond,ye all cant have disappered.where is everyone,would love to get in touch with some of ye.if yer about drop a post i view this board as often as every other day.havent been in ireland in 4 years and would love to get back in touch with the old crews.
thank and regards

casper... '<img'>

Irish Air Corps / Fatal Air Corps Cessna crash
« on: May 11, 2004, 11:28:56 pm »
Is mion liom co-bhroin a dheanamh le clann agus cairde an fhear seo a thug a shaol ar son a thir agus ar son Aer Chor na h-Eireann.
Ar Dheis De Go Raibh A Anam Dhillis

I would like to express my deepest symphaties to the family and friends off this young man who gave his life for his country and for the Irish Aer Corps.

May He Rest In Peace At The Right Hand Of The Lord,


Air Corps Apprentice Contact Page / 54th app class
« on: July 29, 2003, 10:04:16 pm »
is there any one using this board from 53 54 or 55 classes

Air Corps Apprentice Contact Page / 54th app class
« on: July 31, 2003, 08:00:20 pm »
i have lost touch with all in the don and was wondering where everyone was gone whos left whos not whos married whos divorced and all that good gossip
any info would be greatly appreciated

Irish Air Corps / Should Baldonnel become...
« on: October 30, 2003, 09:35:07 pm »
im sure p doff that you only want access to the front of the dinning hall and not the kitchen.did you spend your time in those sinks in your day.
there has been talk off turning ball into a half civie airport since the late 80s but like a lot of things its only talk.


Irish Air Corps / please look at this
« on: September 11, 2003, 09:44:35 am »
I would like to congradulate Frank on a great site that is dedicated to the Aircorps.I do not know you Frank but that doesn't matter.Congrats anyway.
Now I would like to speak to a few people that are posting their opinons on this site.
Opinions are fine, they are like ass***es,everyone has one, but do you really think that this is the place for them?'<img'>?
It is very easy for someone to come on to this board and start talking s**t about the Aircorps just because you pick some nice picture or hellicopter to put beside your very millitary name and rank on your profile.....
Did you ever spend a day in the Don?'<img'>??
Some off you I fear you didn't!!!!
For once and for all let the truth be told.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Was anyone off you in Tramore Beach after the Dauphin crash???
Did anyone off you Stand Post in the hanger in helli for 20 minutes at a time and watch a child trying to make you smile while your head was bowed.???
If you did, then fair play, because I did and I'm not proud of it in any way, It was something I had to do, so I did it.
Did any one of you carry a coffin down to the chapel and because of the weight your arm was not able to bend afterwards.Well I did!!
Has anyone thought about building a web site in Memorial to those great men that died that day or of all the great men that have gone to rest since the Aircorps was founded.
I wish I had the computer skills to do that but I don't!!
I have long since gone from the Don but my heart is always very close.
Do any of you ever think, in the years to come, when some family member of either..Paddy Monney,Micheal Baker,Niall Byrne or David O Flatherty R.I.P...will put in their names on the w.w.w.??  What will it take them to find, just a paper cliping, about their loved one,You should be thinking about that,rather than bitching about which size plane will the goverment get next,
or what is the latest overseas aircraft to fly by the don, when I believe, most of you were never inside those gates .
Anyone that was, tell me otherwise, and maybe some of you are still there, but from what I read on this site and I have read everything on this site, there are  lot of people giving opinions that have only seen the Golf Ball from a roadside distance, but was never forced to run towards it or back!!!!!!!

I was there


Irish Air Corps / Calling the 55th
« on: September 04, 2003, 10:12:08 pm »
hello eagle
yeah it did deserve everthing that we gave it
om one off your seniors but i wouldnt have been one off the bullys and i know there was plenty off then
did you do the nine or what
there were also soom good times
do you remember "radio jamica"

Irish Air Corps / Calling the 55th
« on: September 07, 2003, 10:11:28 pm »
it might sound like radio cork because of the mad bastard that was the dj
i wonder where is he now?
are you still in uncle charlie or did you get out?

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