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Messages - Dualta

Pages: [1]
Site Information / Re: Upcoming Website Changes
« on: September 02, 2015, 06:49:23 pm »
Hi Frank

Has the access to the Irish Air Corps changes as I receive a message that "I don't have permission to access /aircorps/ on this server.


Irish Air Corps / Re: DCOS Ops
« on: March 09, 2011, 07:01:06 pm »
Frank, many thanks.

Irish Air Corps / DCOS Ops
« on: March 08, 2011, 06:55:18 pm »
Does anyone know what the ranking markings are for the DCOS - Ops now that he is from the Air Corps. Looking at the latest An Cosantoir the highest ranking AC is Brigadier General and wondered what the Major General ranking looked like. Thanks in advance.

Thanks for your reply.

Sorry ...should why are they NOT filled.............

Do the Defence Forces have a formal succession plan in place and fi so why are vacant posts filled quickly following promotions/retirements/transfers etc.

Scale Aircraft Modelling / SR-71 model
« on: December 18, 2009, 07:16:17 pm »

  Hey guys and gals, check this one out!!
This is a most amazing Remote Controlled [RC] model airplane - click link
below to see it fly.  Not only did they build its jet engines, but included
retractable landing gear, and built it into a fully scaled model of the
SR-71 that is good enough to fly.  This SR-71 model was built by some German
RC enthusiasts, and this is one nifty toy - and sounds REAL!

Pages: [1]