Well the interview with Pearse Cahill was entertaining and interesting, but the production values were blow standard it had the appearance of a first year student media collage production from the 1970s! Photo editing, well the less said the better. The Production team should have made contact with an Aviation historian to ask the questions, there are enough of them in Ireland god only knows! Only if it was to get the photos and footage stock in the right running order. As has been said photos had next to known relationship to the events being described after the first 5 minutes! Bit of a missed opportunity. A programme such as this would have made a very good Radio documentary with the right production values. The programme relied to heavily on footage of after dinner type speeches never a good move on this type of Documentary. Funny, Irish production’s about Irish aviation never quite comes up to the mark the acceptation of late was the S-61 programme based out of Waterford. It’s all down to lack of cash I would say or is it just a lack of imagination. Always thought a fly on the wall documentary about the day to day workings of the Air Corps along the lines of the Waterford S-61 show would be of interest, after broadcast DVD seals would recover part of the production costs, maybe one day.