Author Topic: How many helicopters?  (Read 240 times)

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Offline Turkey

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How many helicopters?
« on: February 29, 2004, 09:36:49 pm »
This was also posted on IMO, but as there seems to be more Air Corps here, here goes:

How many??
Just to get away from fighters for a while, before I throw up!!
It looks like the Irish Air Corps might get troop transport helicopters, at long last.
So, I got a question, well several questions really:
1] How many bodies, minimum, is the desired amount to land in the LZ,[hot or cold] in the initial phase?
2] How many for follow up waves?
3] Now , how many helicopters of different types[including spares] to make this happen?
4] Finally, what about heavy wepons support and Casevac[spellin?]?

Since I typed this peice of verbage, a couple of other things have occured to me.
1] Is a helicopter that is suitable for troop-transport also suitable for general utility? you know, island relife, air ambulance, useless minister transport, ect?
2] What about training, will we need an additional trainer, or is it possable for something like a Blackhawk to be used for that?
3] Is it possable to get something suitable for shipboard [not necessarly our own ships] use, that can also fit all of the above?

Sorry if this rambles a bit.
Ireland, no jets, no future!

Offline MatRotor

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How many helicopters?
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2004, 09:19:49 pm »
Turkey we already have troop transports.

1)enough to outnumber the bad guy
2)you tend to use the same heli's for each wave putting in spares to replace broken ones
3)one type of heli
4)same type for casevac. what type of heavy weapons support, airborne, arty, what?
5)if its big enough to carry troops its big enough to relieve islands, but maybe not plush enough for VIP, then again HMX-1 use VH-60.
6)trainer required. blackhawk too big and complicated for learner drivers
7)yes but you get a dauphin. a bit good at everything but no real good at any one thing        rambling....
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