Author Topic: flying lessons for cadetships..will i continue?  (Read 399 times)

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Offline Ronan

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flying lessons for cadetships..will i continue?
« on: March 28, 2004, 02:58:58 pm »
on saturday i went for my first flying lesson, in the hope of building up a few hours so it would be of some advantage for the air corp selection next year.
it was the usual introductory one you would get where you are explained all the main components rudder,ailerons, elevator etc and what they do. we weny up for 30 mins and the instructor let me have full control after take off right untill we came back (about 6 seconds before the runway when he took over again..a little bit nervewrecking!!) i thoroughly enjoyed the experience and didn`t have any problems maneuvering the plane. anyways im rambling a bit so il get to the point.
he agreed with me that the price was outrageous at 70 euro for only 30 mins and told me that me building up a few hours of flight training was a complete waste of time if it was just to impress the air corps in some small way. I was flying a Ralyee plane (he called it a flying bathtub). he said that they would not be one bit interested in me having a few hours on a ralyee plane because it is the lowest of the low plane. he also said when it really boiled down to final selection it wouldnt matter a damn.
he said that the air corp dont really serve a purpose to the nation anymore now that SAR is gone and it will be phased out in the coming years because it simply costs too much money for the govt. i argued with him on these points but he seems like a very wise man who has been flying planes for 40 years and knows what he is talking about. he also has some dealings with the air corp so i was inclined to believe him on what he said.
so.. im left with a decision. do i continue to fork out money for a couple of hours on a "s**t plane" that the air corp wont care about or do i continue on and build up a few hours to impress them a tiny bit?
im hoping the experienced guys can help me in answering my questions and tell me if the "experienced man" is right.

Offline pilatus

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flying lessons for cadetships..will i continue?
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2004, 04:23:24 pm »
"why bother practise at all" sorry just thought id remind u of ur own motto!but as he said if its not goin to impress them y bother?i was thinkin bout getin a couple of hours aswell but im gona be goin to derry for myn caus they got a cessna182.a better 172 maybe u shud try somtin lik that?! '<img'>
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Offline Ronan

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flying lessons for cadetships..will i continue?
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2004, 05:23:48 pm »
well at the moment im doing it in coonagh.. which is 20 miles away. the next place is galway which is an hour and a half away by car! anyone else have any suggestions as to whether il continue or not?

Offline Joey d

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flying lessons for cadetships..will i continue?
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2004, 06:20:37 pm »
I aint experienced but - Wouldn't you perfer to find out now, whether you like flying or not? (instead of finding out if/when you get the cadetship)

In other words, when the novelty of flying wears off, will you still enjoy it and want to make a career out of it?

I woudn't put too much hope in joining Galway Flying Club. There's a waiting list and theres an introduction fee of about 600euro approx (to pay for the new clubhouse and planes) on top of the 150euro (approx) yearly membership.

But there is a microlight flying club (Skywest Aeroclub Ltd), operating out of Galway Airport, its 150euro to join and 85euro an hour to fly.

Picture of Skywest Aero's Plane

Offline alpha foxtrot 07

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flying lessons for cadetships..will i continue?
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2004, 09:07:55 pm »
the price of flying in ireland is very high and your flying shitbox aircraft, but you should continue to fly for the sheer joy of it all. who cares if it impresses the air corps or not. do for fun and don't mind what that old git said to ya. i have flown the rally to and yes its old and slow but the basic principle of flying is the same. it will all help.
so just fly for fun bud!
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flying lessons for cadetships..will i continue?
« Reply #5 on: March 28, 2004, 09:48:04 pm »
It's 650e & another 150e for GFC at EICM. The "New" clubhouse is there for a bit...

As far as i know GFC are not taking people until at least after the summer heading towards winter to get the ground work done. Flew in EI-BIB To EIAB one day, great experience great 152!

Offline Ronan

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flying lessons for cadetships..will i continue?
« Reply #6 on: March 28, 2004, 10:19:25 pm »
thanks guys.. well im not really considering going to anywhere else but coonagh as they are too far away.
ye`r right though,
im just going to keep it going to firstly (as joey d said) get experience and see if its the life i want and for the sheer fun of it. '<img'>
do the IAC only regard flight experience on the better types of planes as good? ie: will they not give a rats arse if ive been up in the skies for couple of hours in a ralyee.
honest answers please!!

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flying lessons for cadetships..will i continue?
« Reply #7 on: March 28, 2004, 10:24:33 pm »
I had no experience and it didn't matter much to them in the interview. I've even seen guys fly their own aircraft to dublin for the interviews and not make it through. It's more about who you are and how you come across than how well you can impress with flight experience. In many cases where someone has previous experience, the Air Corps will have to get rid of all the bad habits that they have learned with a civilian instructor... at the end of the day, military instructors undergo much more intensive and formalised training and they aim to create a pilot that is above average, not just pass him because he has a shed load of money. If you have the potential, they will see that without the need to see you at the controls. The fact that you have gone so far as to get one flight is indication that you are enthusiastic and motivated. Learn the why's and technical aspects of flight and forget the how's until you can apply them to a military aircraft. Anything you learn in a Rallye may only give you an unrealistic expectation of what flight in a PC9 will be like. Save your money, let the govt pay for the training. And to the git who reckons that the Corps is on the way out, we'll see who has the last laugh.

Offline Joey d

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flying lessons for cadetships..will i continue?
« Reply #8 on: March 28, 2004, 11:31:20 pm »
Quote (Fouga @ 28 Mar. 2004,11:48)
It's 650e & another 150e for GFC at EICM. The "New" clubhouse is there for a bit...

As far as i know GFC are not taking people until at least after the summer heading towards winter to get the ground work done. Flew in EI-BIB To EIAB one day, great experience great 152!

Well the guy on the phone siad the introductory fee was for the 'new' clubhouse! (he was kinda grumpy too, I think I disturbed his cuppa tea!)

Is it true that ye'r selling the BIB for a new fancy Cirrus with an all-glass Primary Flight Display and an emergency parachute system- no less!

Offline alpha foxtrot 07

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flying lessons for cadetships..will i continue?
« Reply #9 on: March 29, 2004, 08:14:56 am »
ronan its all about pitch and power. learn that well and your on the road  to success.
you're not lost until you're lost at mach 3


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flying lessons for cadetships..will i continue?
« Reply #10 on: March 29, 2004, 05:16:24 pm »
I dont think they are selling BIB as it got a Spray not so long ago and is now Pure white like EI-GWY. Id say it is there for the long term. There is also a New ATEC hanging around he hanger.

Offline Ronan

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flying lessons for cadetships..will i continue?
« Reply #11 on: March 29, 2004, 11:22:11 pm »
thanks take on board what ye`r saying.
as regards the theory behind flight from beginners level (where im at) to there any good books or websites that will it explain it to you and give you a better understanding?

Offline alpha foxtrot 07

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flying lessons for cadetships..will i continue?
« Reply #12 on: March 30, 2004, 01:35:44 am »
jeppessen have a good book,lots of nice pictures. there a book by a guy called kershner, its very informative and well write ie easy to understand. the FAA aircraft and glider flying handbooks are great, might be hard to get them in ireland though. the popular one in ireland is the trevor thom series.
if you cant get your hands on any of these ronan let me know and i'll get you a good one.
regards AF07

you're not lost until you're lost at mach 3