How come I find myself agreeing with FF? Has the world gone mad?
SAR was a huge drain on Air Corps capabilities over the years,thoug it did create the incentive to get involved in Heli Ops first day,but instead of having true multirole aircraft,all the rotary wing fleet was destined for SAR,limiting its usefulness in other areas. The only time we had a true Military Heli operation was in 1982 with the mighty green Puma. I look forward to another green Heli operating in our island,with the roundel on the side,and a tricolour on the underside..
Apparently there is still a requirment for 2 Medioum Lift helis..It seems both the ERU and the ARW require large helis capable of transporting them and all their equipment anywhere in the country at short notice,and MLH is the way to do this.