A lot of it was just surface slagging and wind-ups, you know the kind,but there was always a nagging fear/dislike of the place, especially for anyone who didn't have a car or motorbike or originated in a county that needed a Dublin transport link.I can understand the Gormo lads being fed up when it closed down, with the subsequent upheaval in their families' lives.I doubt they recieved the distance-related compensation that civil servants have recieved for their decentralisation.Apart from that, a lot of people regarded the place as impossible to get out of, transfer-wise and a place in which one could be forgotten about.Some people even regarded Gormo as being "too close" to the Army.Also, a lot of Donners never visited Gormo in their career, except to shoot or as a heli crewman, so the place was percieved as being "backwoods".