Author Topic: Cameron's Plan For No-Fly Zone Over Libya  (Read 480 times)

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Cameron's Plan For No-Fly Zone Over Libya
« on: February 28, 2011, 06:38:10 pm »

Breaking News, 6:02pm UK, Monday February 28, 2011

Cameron's Plan For No-Fly Zone Over Libya

Alison Chung and Adam Tate, Sky News Online

Prime Minister David Cameron has said he is working on plans for a no-fly zone over Libya as pressure mounts on Colonel Muammar Gaddafi to quit.

In a statement to the House of Commons, Mr Cameron also said he has not ruled out the use of military action.

He said: "We will not rule out military assets. We will not tolerate this regime using military force against its own people. This is an illegitimate regime which has lost the support of its people.

"To that end, I have asked the Ministry of Defence to look into the no-fly zone.

"Our message to Colonel Gaddafi is simple: go now."

Sources to the UN also indicated that the UK mission to the UN would begin discussions with other member states about the feasibilty of a further Security Council resolution on a no-fly zone.

Earlier, around 50 British nationals on board the HMS Cumberland, which left the second city of Benghazi with 200 evacuees, arrived in the Maltese city of Valletta.

Sky correspondent Amanda Walker, in Valletta, said: "Malta has been an evacuation house and continues to be so.

"There were around 200 people of mixed nationalities on board the HMS Cumberland, and about 50 of those were British.

"After leaving the vessel, they will head to a hotel and fly back to the UK or whatever countries they come from."

Later today, a further British military aircraft will arrive in the capital Tripoli to fly out more British nationals.

Mr Cameron said around 600 British nationals who have wanted to leave Libya have now departed.

He said the evacuations have centred on three locations - Tripoli airport, the port at Benghazi and the desert oil fields.

"At Tripoli airport, a series of six aircraft organised by the Foreign Office and an RAF C130 Hercules flight have brought out more than 380 British nationals and a similar number of foreign citizens," he said.

"At Benghazi, HMS Cumberland has carried out two evacuations from the port, taking out 119 British nationals and 303 foreign citizens.

"The first of these evacuations took place in very difficult sea conditions. The second arrived in Malta earlier today."

Foreign Secretary William Hague warned Col Gaddafi to expect international intervention for violating human rights.

Speaking at the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, he said: "It is a moment of great opportunity in the Middle East. If change and development can be achieved peacefully, it will be the greatest advance in world affairs since Central and Eastern Europe changed so dramatically 20 years ago and many of their countries entered the European Union.

"If instead violence takes hold, the risks for human rights and international security will be grave."

He added: "Respect for human rights rests on foundations that have to be built over time: strong institutions, responsible and accountable government, a free press, the rule of law, and equal rights for men and women.

"The UK stands ready to lend its support and expertise to those countries looking to develop in this way."

Wrong time to get rid of HMS Ark Royal...


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Re: Cameron's Plan For No-Fly Zone Over Libya
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2011, 10:23:18 pm »
10minutes ago via Twitter:

USAF 7th Special Operations Squadron arr Luqa Malta as RCH1018, a Mildenhall based USAFE MC-130H tail nr 87-0023


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Re: Cameron's Plan For No-Fly Zone Over Libya
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2011, 11:35:46 pm »
Italian Defence Ministry affirmed today that 8 fighters are on QRA alert at Trapani, Grosseto & Gioia del Colle ready for take off in 15 mins.