This was also posted on IMO, but as there seems to be more Air Corps here, here goes:
How many??
Just to get away from fighters for a while, before I throw up!!
It looks like the Irish Air Corps might get troop transport helicopters, at long last.
So, I got a question, well several questions really:
1] How many bodies, minimum, is the desired amount to land in the LZ,[hot or cold] in the initial phase?
2] How many for follow up waves?
3] Now , how many helicopters of different types[including spares] to make this happen?
4] Finally, what about heavy wepons support and Casevac[spellin?]?
Since I typed this peice of verbage, a couple of other things have occured to me.
1] Is a helicopter that is suitable for troop-transport also suitable for general utility? you know, island relife, air ambulance, useless minister transport, ect?
2] What about training, will we need an additional trainer, or is it possable for something like a Blackhawk to be used for that?
3] Is it possable to get something suitable for shipboard [not necessarly our own ships] use, that can also fit all of the above?
Sorry if this rambles a bit.