hello all
With regard to the earlier point about the destructive effect of HEAT rounds, I agree that such a round produces a coin-sized hole in armour, but I doubt if that would be the case againt thin-skinned aluminium aircraft.Also, I am led to believe that an RPG round will self-destruct after a flight of greater than 1200metres if it hasn't struck a solid object.This applies to many such weapons,including our own lot's Gustav 84.
Regarding the "deranged" Mercenary pilot, he was no drooling idiot because he wrote an autobiography after the Congo campaign and gave account of attacking the Irish forces in the Fouga, as well as flying a B-26 bomber.The Fouga was feared by the Irish, who were highly fed up with it's regular bombing and strafing and their seeming inability to retaliate against it.All of this is recounted in Raymond Smith's book, "The fighting Irish in the Congo", published by Lilmac,1962.