Hi all.
There was once a proposal to put either Vampire 198 or a Fouga (3-KE reassembled) on a vertical pylon on the main square in the Don, but it fell by the wayside due to arguments about it's exact site and the refusal of the real soldiers to allow anything to desecrate their hallowed square.
Another proposal that was quashed, once upon a time, was one to fit smoke tanks and associated plumbing to one of the Fougas. The plan was to have the Fouga use it's tip tanks for carrying the spray fluid (diesel with vegetable dye) and have a pump feeding ejection lines at each exhaust and the appropriate switches on the panel. It was bandied about for a while but came to naught.The Fouga unit refused to allow anything to be modded on the aircraft and ,allegedly, the AE section nailed it on the head, declining to take responsibility.