The snag is that one bog or even the Glen is just too small. If the PC9s are going to use similar areas albeit at different heights they need quite a lot of space, as do the helicopters. The military operating area is pretty large, but happens to be over serious horse country. Many people in these areas are not aware that there is a large operating area above them in which the military can pretty much manouver as desired, but I would have to check the lower limit to see how this affects them. Obviously, the approach to this type of flying should be sensible, i.e. not flying directly over houses, livestock, crops and so on. I think Kildare gets more than it's fair share of low flying helicopters due to the military and wealthy civvies in the area all the time but as long as the aircraft are being flown in accordance with the regulations, either mil or civ, then complaints are a little redundant as no individual has a claim to airspace in Ireland.