Author Topic: Recce Pods  (Read 366 times)

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Offline The Blue Max

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Recce Pods
« on: August 11, 2006, 01:55:14 am »
Just an extra options for aircraft inventory or a important part of aircrafts capability???

The Marchettis and before them for many years other aircraft that have served with the IAC have had specific Recconaisance "Recce" carrying Infra Red/IR camera's i believe ) Pods or oldeer aircraft carrying special camreas with could gather vital images gathered from litorally, from up top looking down and they are known to have played a important role during the troubles especially along border regions, beng great asset to be utilised by the IAC for itself and other Irish State Intelligence Services  such as An Garda Siochiona,G2 etc...

Do member of the board stilll feel there a need/nesseciaty for such a pod to be carried on the likes of the PC-9M type could possible the recce pods that were used on the Marrcetti's be recycled into the inventory of the Pilatus PC-9Ms or would new system need to be intergrated or is more likely that the IAC/Irish Army operate UAVs in this role from now on???

Oh if possible would anyone have any good shots of the Marrcetti's carrying such pods when they were in service?

Forfaire Agus Tairseacht
 Aer Chór na h-Éireann

Offline GoneToTheCanner

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Recce Pods
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2006, 03:07:10 pm »
Hi there
The Marchetti pod carried a day camera and was about the same size as the machine-gun pod.The Marchetti wasn't remotely as efficient as a camera aircraft as the Defender.There was a trial of a special camera pod (night/IR,etc) but this was kept off-limits (unusual for the Don, but they could enforce secrecy when they wanted to) and was a one-off event.The Defender does all that is needed in that regard now.