Author Topic: RAF Gazelles  (Read 1383 times)

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Offline Imshi-Yallah

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RAF Gazelles
« Reply #30 on: November 28, 2003, 01:54:21 pm »
You can't restore an entire airframe, thats called remanufacture and it wont be done on small numbers of aircraft..the AIII is a simpler more robust design which can be maintained almost indefinitely as long as parts are available.
Theres no point in fantasising about buying Gazzelles that we have no use for. Theyre also very light and vulnerable for combat operations even against militia forces.
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RAF Gazelles
« Reply #31 on: November 28, 2003, 08:02:16 pm »
No it is not called re-manufacture or anything even close to it. It is a restoration job, which goes on everyday of the week. An Irish company, helps Restore B 52 bombers, to the tune of components worth USD200M per year. The A111 is a simpler design but not a million miles away from the Gazelle. And who said we have no use for them, the Flawed white paper?. As for fantasy, it is not any more of a fantasy then the DOD buying 212's basically neither is going to happen.
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Offline Imshi-Yallah

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RAF Gazelles
« Reply #32 on: November 28, 2003, 10:05:23 pm »
It is called remanufacture when you want to make a retired airframe combat viable.
It is fantasy because using elderly( these are the oldest in their respective fleets) Gazelle AHs is a ridiculous and unsupportable  concept.
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Offline Imshi-Yallah

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RAF Gazelles
« Reply #33 on: November 29, 2003, 09:30:10 pm »
Not a lot of cheap second hand 412s knocking about
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RAF Gazelles
« Reply #34 on: November 30, 2003, 05:08:52 pm »
So basically with the current market prices for second hand/new aircraft we could have the 212's and the Fennecs with up to date or as near as you can get Avionics for approx E35M.
Which is what two and half National Events centres!!!. What the hell was Charlies doing.
I know where I would spend the money and it would not be on bloody horses.
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RAF Gazelles
« Reply #36 on: December 05, 2003, 12:33:38 pm »
Well look at it this way, we have an Air Corp, full of trained men and women only itching to get  flying and get some sort of role other then the normal drudge of everyday work. That includes the technicians. Charlie and Bertie and Smith are three Muppets who have not got a clue about anything and that seems to be an unfortunate fact.
The top brass in the Air Corp as well seem a bit thick to me, they have some machines, but need more no one will argue with that. But using some money that I am positive is there and available to go out and buy some second hand aircraft be they Gazelles and 212's and F5's. Do not hold out for the Brand New jets and ML's just get off there arses and get something. Then use what they have to its potential, arm the Gazelles or Fennecs, use the A111, and Dauphins for small troop deployments. the 212 for SAR etc. Fly the jets low over the Glen when troops are training. Train like an Defence force and Act like one. The morale must be low when we cannot even upgrade the Dauphins and Bertie and the Salad Dodger Harney get a new Jet with DOD money.
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RAF Gazelles
« Reply #37 on: November 30, 2003, 05:46:18 pm »
The thing is clan, McCreevy and his ilk don't give a s**t about the Air Corps. They are only interested in buying votes in their constituencies.

Actually, they do have an interest in the AC - the gov jets - and that's where it starts and ends   !

Offline Imshi-Yallah

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RAF Gazelles
« Reply #38 on: December 05, 2003, 01:02:50 pm »
I've pushed for the use of light helis for small troop movements before, but the fact is that the current fleet is already over tasked in this, and we definitely dont have enough AIIIs/Dauphins to make significant troop movements via 4-6 man lifts.
They are however used to transport OP and Recce teams, this being an infrequent but valuable training opportunity (although every PDF 3* platoon does get a day long course)
Buying more LUHs for this role clearly makes no sense so that leaves us stuck until a medium lift platform becomes available.
So I cant really see much extra that can be done with the current VIP oriented fleet.
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RAF Gazelles
« Reply #39 on: November 30, 2003, 05:49:56 pm »
..... and somebody here mentioned (a while back) that new AS355's/Fennecs were on offer a year ago for €1 million each !

€8 million would have replaced the Alouette fleet !!!

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RAF Gazelles
« Reply #40 on: December 05, 2003, 07:10:11 pm »
Well said clan !!!
It would be great if the Air Corps top brass 'got the finger out' and got out there and organised some equipment (be it secondhand or new) !
I really thought, when the current AC head was appointed, that we would see a radical shake-up of the Air Corps.

We can only live in hope.  


Offline Imshi-Yallah

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RAF Gazelles
« Reply #41 on: November 30, 2003, 09:56:17 pm »
But were they twin models?
Besides the AIII fleet can continue to putter away at its current role for a decade the real improvement would be a remilitarisation of the corps by establishing an integrated army support role.

‘The hottest place in hell is for those who are neutral’
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RAF Gazelles
« Reply #42 on: December 05, 2003, 07:16:34 pm »
What I meant for the current fleet is to be used with our Ranger wing and For training excerises, moving small numbers of troops to different battle areas. Painted in the correct colours and used as military tools. I  did not mean do not buy new ML's or jets . Use what we have and introduce different  tasks to the corp like small troop lifts. Air to ground fire , air to air fire etc. There is enough out there second hand, low hours to keep every one happy for a good number of years. that would not cost a lot of money, maybe two of Charlies horse boxes in Kildare would cover most of it. But we do not have cop on to go get it.
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