Author Topic: Bad taste  (Read 223 times)

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Offline Red Baron

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Bad taste
« on: April 30, 2003, 12:26:47 am »
I would just like to bring up the matter of imshi-Yallah's rather distasteful reference regarding the massacre at srebenice, and lets not forget thats what it was a massacre.Being a constant quality contributor of information on this site i was somewhat upset by this remark.i.e."oh well thank allah that Ireland's neutral"unlikely last thought srebenice victim.Let us not forget that it was in fact the dutch who were guarding this army with a far greater numerical and technological advantage to ours.Do not forget the many irish soldiers who fought, and indeed died abroad for no self gain,many a mess of former european colonies was it that depended on our intervention i.e.congo, lebanon(well israel was formed by the british and obviously led to this whole blood bath)and i can certainly say that irish troops would have no doubt fought and died at srebenice had they been present (due to the large opposing force).whereas the dutch commanders drank champagne with gen. Mladic and co.After which Mladic then ridiculed the dutch peacekeepers on television publicly displaying them as cowards.I don't think any of us have ever heard storieds of mick and paddy coming under shell fire in the Leb and saying "f**k this i'm headin' for a beer what bout you Mick?"Our neutralitiy has never questioned our commitement to protecting the weak and i think you're undermining the professionalism of our defence forces in using that quote which can never be questioned,we might not have the most up to date equipment and aviation hardware but our service men and women just get on with it how many times a year do you see them in the paper complaining about pay, conditions equipment etc unlike those feckin guards i think they have their own printing press!! ':cool:'
"an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind"