Hi there
So long as RJ has a hole in his backside, there will never be NCO pilots! There are at least two NCOs with multi-thousand civvie hours, including turbine equipment.Much more experienced than many of the pilots and well acquainted with Donner pilots nixering outside.They have zero chance of ever flying for the Don, not being officers.
Scorpy's point about large forces using NCO pilots is perfectly valid.Training WOs to fly for the US Army is much quicker and cheaper than training officers, especially since an experienced NCO is much more useful than a newly-minted LT.
The Don has enough pilots, always had,especially flying desks,so NCO pilts will never happen again.As Scorpy said, if they wanted to fly badly enough, they'd have done it on their own time.
Apart from that, each Apprentice year has generated several active pilots, which goes to show that a technical background is a proven generator of pilots,and not the old class-based system.