Author Topic: 40th Class  (Read 3176 times)

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Offline John K

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« Reply #30 on: March 15, 2004, 12:15:20 pm »
Of course I was! How do you think I got so many week end passes! I remember Eddie Sugrue, alright, but 'Mary' Byrne...... sorry! Where did he end up? Have you forgotten everything you learnt about the PC9 yet Claudel?
Say Hello to Corro from me when he gets back, thanks!

Offline Claudel Hopson

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« Reply #31 on: March 15, 2004, 04:33:45 pm »
JK you may not remember him as he was a very quiet fella and had a real baby faced look about him and did look a bit girly. Wouldn't have suited Jimmy Lon wasn't his type unlike yourself! Ha Ha

Buy the way what is a PC9 again? Some kinda lap top? 3 coming in mid-April we're told. Looking forward to it, the PC9 is a fine machine for what they want here.

Offline fil the fluter

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« Reply #32 on: March 16, 2004, 05:46:51 am »
Spot on Claudel that was the EB I was referring to.No idea where he is now though or his mate Sugrue.How's the scam in Switzerland for the PC9,i here all sorts are heading over.I hope the Fiddle wasn't riding pillion to Claffey when he went there would not want him breakin' another finger while tryin' to scratch his ar$e '<img'>  '<img'>

Offline John K

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« Reply #33 on: March 16, 2004, 11:46:10 pm »
D'you reckon those rumours about Jimmy were true then? What ever happened to him? (Apart from the reaming!)

Offline Airman Stall

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« Reply #34 on: April 07, 2004, 01:28:09 pm »
Hi All,   What the Hell are all you old F**k wits yapping on about,  this is a ex-apprentice talk show where we slowly under mine the IAC and hopefully cause the whole place to close up and turn the Don into a private flying club where the well off can come and learn to fly ( some might say thats what it is at the moment).  The place treated us like dirt and took the best years of our lives leaving  us mere shadows of our former selfs.   We should only remember the times when we caused mayhem and destruction and maybe the times when we went into town and got pissed drunk and started fights on the bus home.  Well thats what I think! So keep in touch all you sad old B*****ds,   Stally
     PS.    JK  is it true that our old friend Phil M  applied for the top job in RA.

Offline Claudel Hopson

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« Reply #35 on: April 07, 2004, 03:15:06 pm »
Hey Cygnet and JK and Bitch.

Get a load of Rock-ape Stall showing the same lack of manners and knowledge as a recruit really would have. Wake up Recruit Stall and smell the coffee. We've done the service and can talk the talk because we know what goes on and has gone on here. There were never fights on the 68 Animal Express in our day that I can remember. It must have been your own poorly raised class that must have been involved in any sh1t that happened on the last bus.

We were no angels but I take offence to what you percieve to be a generalism about all exer's.

Offline R.P.Y.

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« Reply #36 on: April 08, 2004, 11:41:08 pm »
Well said Claudel.  '<img'>

Offline Airman Stall

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« Reply #37 on: April 09, 2004, 10:59:03 am »
Hello All,   Thanks for your quick reply Claudel ( if thats your real name ) and unlike you my memory is fine and I always remember the Sunday night punch ups on, as you say the Animal Express as we all made our way back to the Don.     Stally.

Offline fil the fluter

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« Reply #38 on: April 11, 2004, 02:54:00 am »
That would have been when you were "living in" in "C" Block with thre rest of the recruits then? ':angry:'  ':angry:'

Offline John K

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« Reply #39 on: April 14, 2004, 06:27:25 pm »
The only fight I remember was before we got on the bus when Kieran Wynne got a kick on the jaw from Floodie! He got so pi**ed off listening to his bull*hit and picking on Joe Keane while we all stood back unable to join in 'cos we knew what would happen to us if we did, the old seniors/juniors thing!I do remember plenty of blokes chucking up on the bus, but no fights! Or standing on the platform on the back having a slash! That came to an end once the busses changed to the concertina door type, manys the exer who had to walk back from Clondalkin 'cos his bladder couldn't take the strain any more!
Stally, you're showing your ignorance asking if his name is Claudel! Yes Phil M really is a high flyer at BA! I met him a while ago, he was an Outstation Manager in the Middle East, then he came back to LHR to look after some very big projects. Have the PC9s arrived yet, Claudel?

Offline Airman Stall

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« Reply #40 on: April 15, 2004, 11:32:08 am »
Hi John K,  No not ingorance just having a bit of fun, stirring the pot, getting fed up of reading about PC9s Fouga's etc etc.  Its nice to get them all hot under the collar. When I mentioned PM, it was the top Engineering job in RAir that he was going for not BA.  Any other ex Donners working there?  Bumbed into G Gibney a few days ago,  he's looking good.  Stally.

Offline Claudel Hopson

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« Reply #41 on: April 16, 2004, 02:44:41 pm »

Due for arrival next Wednesday sometime.

A/M Stall all is forgiven. Three of my class have passed away and it touched a raw nerve that they were compared to louts.

Offline John K

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« Reply #42 on: April 27, 2004, 01:04:13 pm »
How's it going? Do any of you lads know anything about an airline called EUjet? They're based at Shannon and hope to start flights from Manston, near where I live. What's the story with them? Any ex Donners working with them?

Offline cygnet

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« Reply #43 on: April 27, 2004, 02:51:37 pm »
JK .
try this link if its the same company !! never heard of them but thts not syrprising as I dont work near aircraft any more !!! did I ever ??

DS ':p'

Offline John K

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« Reply #44 on: April 28, 2004, 11:23:40 am »
Thanks, Cygnet. My missus is hoping that the wages will tempt me to jack in BA. I can't see them paying anything near what I'm on at Heathrow, the last job I tried for at Manston I'd have to half my present wages!! Granted I wouldn't have to travel 100 miles to work and back but I still couldn't afford that much of a drop, not until the mortgage is paid of anyway.