Author Topic: IAC Spitfires  (Read 1552 times)

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Offline John K

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IAC Spitfires
« Reply #15 on: August 16, 2003, 10:10:35 pm »
Hey Tony, were you the chap who used to appear every now and then in Baldonnel taking photo's, I'm thinking back in the 70s/80s? I think you've been a bit harsh on neil, his website is quite comprehensive but lacks photo's of Spitfires in IAC colours. Don't look on him as being in competition with you! Incidentially, Neil, did you get the photo's I sent you yet? A thanks or a pair of langars might be in order! Or I might join up with Tony!
Best wishes for the moment, JK

Offline Claudel Hopson

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IAC Spitfires
« Reply #16 on: September 02, 2003, 03:16:26 pm »
Hey JK I thought you would have known better than getting back into a uniform after the first experience.

I don't know who Jaffa met when he was in, I only heard it from one of the lads left who knows him.

We were too soft on our Juniors. Hindsight is a great thing.

Offline John K

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IAC Spitfires
« Reply #17 on: September 07, 2003, 12:33:09 am »
Hey Claudel, yeah! I should have known better but it was an offer I couldn't refuse! Now I can see things from the senior NCO's point of view! I get to organise events etc. go shooting, flying, all the stuff I enjoyed in the 'Don (I know I wasn't supposed to enjoy the shooting bit but I did, especially when I got marksman, I still can hit the bullseye with bullshit!) plus people I meet don't know what to make of it when I tell them I spent 9 years in the Irish Air Corps! One bloke I know (he's a Flt.Lt. and a bit of a prankster) introduced me to someone in the mess as "..John from the IRA, he used to be a tail gunner on a milk float in Belfast!"  Then he went off to the bar and left me to explain!
Any news on the PC9s?

Offline type509

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IAC Spitfires
« Reply #18 on: August 03, 2003, 03:08:33 am »
My name is Neil Medcalf; I am an aviation enthusiast and amateur historian.  I am currently researching the two seat trainer versions of the Supermarine Spitfire for a book on this variant of this most famous of aircraft. I would like to inquire about any possible assistance that anyone might be able to give me with this project.
  At this point I am trying to learn more about the Irish Air Corps use of these aircraft. Photos are useful, as well as documented flight time. Other IAC doucuments such as accident reports, newpaper articles, transfers, maintance logs etc. are all helpful. I am interested in the IAC service history, their current history is known to me.  Your personal recollections are just as important, as it will help document their movements, and give "flavour" to the data.

 If you know of anyone who could be of help, please forward  my name and address to them. Thank you for your help in documenting this rare variant of the Spitfire. I also run a small web site devoted to this aircraft at  . You will find below, a list of the aircraft involved by their Irish Air Corps serial numbers with the corresponding RAF Serials.  Thank you all very much.

MK IX's-
IAC 158- MJ627
IAC 159- MJ772
IAC 160- MK721
IAC 161- PV202
IAC 162- ML407
IAC 163- TE308

Offline Claudel Hopson

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IAC Spitfires
« Reply #19 on: August 07, 2003, 03:26:40 pm »

I'm out on leave at the moment but I will be able to round stuff up for you when I get back.

Did you know that one of the few flyable ones crashed in England about three years ago?

Offline type509

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IAC Spitfires
« Reply #20 on: August 08, 2003, 12:07:48 am »
Thanks for checking- I look forward to seeing what you uncover. I am mostly looking for the IAC service history and details. The current history is known. Thanks- Neil

Offline Tony Kearns

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IAC Spitfires
« Reply #21 on: August 15, 2003, 09:49:09 pm »
Hi Neil,
I suggest that you will find all the information you require in the "Spitfire International" published by Air-Britain the International Association of Aviation Historians. The ISBN no. is 0 85130 250 5. The book covers all the countries' air forces who used the Spitfire/Seafire, except the RAF and Fleet Air Arm. It is an excellent publication and if you are interested in the Spitfire, it is a must! Incidentally the Irish Spitfire were type 502 not 509.
Tony K

Offline type509

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IAC Spitfires
« Reply #22 on: August 15, 2003, 11:04:23 pm »
Thank you for your reply. I do  have the execellent book Spitfire International by Air Britain. I am looking for more background information and details that ex IAC personell can provide. The IAC Spitfires were type 509 conversions from MkIX airframes. The Type 502 is the sole MkVIII conversion MT818.
Thanks Neil

Offline Tony Kearns

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IAC Spitfires
« Reply #23 on: August 15, 2003, 11:55:01 pm »
Vickers-Armstrong sales presentation states that Spec 499 is the MkVIII and Spec 502 is the MkIX. The invoice from Vickers-Armstrong states Spec 502, but if you know better!

Offline type509

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IAC Spitfires
« Reply #24 on: August 16, 2003, 05:38:19 pm »
Tony- I would be willing to admit I've made and error, if you can provide a copy of this "sales" documentation. In fact I would love to see it. If you could send (ie scan) this documentation I would greatful. The information for the Type 502/509 comes from "The History" and from "The Spitfire Story" and other well know published sources of information. Eack proposed Mk of two seat conversion had a different Type number. So the Type 499 you refer to may just be for the IAC's aircraft? I would appreaciate your help in clearing up this question of Type numbers.. Thank you- Neil

Offline Tony Kearns

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IAC Spitfires
« Reply #25 on: August 16, 2003, 09:33:25 pm »
I cannot let you have a copy of the the document which you describe as the "Sales"document. I am not asking you to admit to anything. I merely passed on the information which I had discoverd as a result of my research. I suggest that you should try to do the same and not accept something because it has appeared in other publications. Two of which you mention do have errors in regard to Irish Spitfires/Seafires, all of the authors are distinguished researchrs/historians. A document such as an Invoice/Advice Note is the property of the Dept. of Defence. I do not have permission to reproduce it but when I do have permission you will see it in a publication "Spitfire/Seafire The Irish Connection". Wisdom is the ability to know that you don't know.