Look, neutrality, non-aligned, whatever. In the Irish sense of the concept, it's all just a cover for roll on your back and play dead when the war comes. Neutral has deep implications which our current govt seems incapable of grasping by allowing the US to use our airports for mil tpt.At least Enda Kenny had it right by saying that it's about time we 'aligned'. Non-alignment is an excuse for political / foreign inactivity and that is a cultural constant in Irish terms. Our UN / triple lock mandate method of turning up overseas is flawed. We could do so much more by being proactive rather than reactive especially when it is to do with countries in Africa that Irish people have been contributing to for the last 20 years. Just rarely, I wish we HAD bloody well been invaded by the Germans OR the Brits during WW2. At least it would galvanise European opinion towards us. Just look how we caved in on the Nice treaty when they applied the pressure. If we were truely set on being neutral, we would be in the same boat as Der Schweitz and just look at their neutrality policy.