Author Topic: Neutraility?  (Read 2863 times)

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Offline Irish251

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« Reply #15 on: June 13, 2004, 10:34:42 pm »

The Air Corps did not have Spitfires during WWII.  Such equipment (Seafires and then two-seat Spitfire trainers) were not acquired until after the war years.  I also doubt that "Rathduff" would have played the pivotal role you suggest, if you know much about the RAF and its equipment during the War.  I believe also that since Britain fully intended to fight hard against an attempted German invasion, retreat to Ireland is unlikely to have been a major part of their planned response!

The current RAF is being progressively reduced in size and as the trend is towards further base closures in the UK I find it hard to believe that they would be very interested in the pretty basic facilities on offer in Ireland.

Offline Tony Kearns

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« Reply #16 on: June 13, 2004, 11:22:25 pm »
Short Finals is correct ref Seafires/Spitfires. Rathduff was not a "secret " aerodrome. It was an advance landing ground or ALG and was one of many (up to a hundred) surveyed and listed around the country. Rathduff was in the chain of Munster /South Leinster and was used during the Autumn Manoeuvres of 1942, Glenville was also used. These ALG's were to be used in the event of an invasion by Germany with RAF and Air Corps elements being dispersed there. The squadrons (RAF) were identified and were based in N. Ireland. Air Marshall Dowding was strongly opposed to HIS fighters being allocated to the defence of "EIRE".
There is a lot incorrect information in a number of the posting on this board, too much to list.
Tony K

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« Reply #17 on: June 14, 2004, 01:08:35 am »
Look, neutrality, non-aligned, whatever. In the Irish sense of the concept, it's all just a cover for roll on your back and play dead when the war comes. Neutral has deep implications which our current govt seems incapable of grasping by allowing the US to use our airports for mil tpt.At least Enda Kenny had it right by saying that it's about time we 'aligned'. Non-alignment is an excuse for political / foreign inactivity and that is a cultural constant in Irish terms. Our UN / triple lock mandate method of turning up overseas is flawed. We could do so much more by being proactive rather than reactive especially when it is to do with countries in Africa that Irish people have been contributing to for the last 20 years. Just rarely, I wish we HAD bloody well been invaded by the Germans OR the Brits during WW2. At least it would galvanise European opinion towards us. Just look how we caved in on the Nice treaty when they applied the pressure. If we were truely set on being neutral, we would be in the same boat as Der Schweitz and just look at their neutrality policy.

Offline Turkey

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« Reply #18 on: June 14, 2004, 04:48:48 am »
AS far as I know , in order to be recognised as neutral, a country must show that it is able to defend itself to a reasonable standard. That sort of rules us out, the amount of expenditure involved, I think, would be very high indeed.
I think, with the way terrorists and those fighting them are sharpening up the fence posts, sitting on them is not going to remain an option for much longer.
By the way, Mister Kearns, if you are spotting errors on any of the posts , espically mine*I would preffer if you pointed them out, if it's not too much trouble, I come here to be educated as well as entertained.

*Spellings excepted  '<img'>
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Offline Silver

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« Reply #19 on: June 14, 2004, 07:30:28 am »
I stand corrected - I meant to type Hurricanes (an AC aircraft not often mentioned on this board!).

Note I put "secret aerodrome" in inverted commas - I am recalling what was written in the book 'Wings over Ireland' re the possible use of Rathduff by the RAF during WWII.

Offline Tony Kearns

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« Reply #20 on: June 14, 2004, 09:40:36 am »
My name is Tony Kearns not Mister Kearns, I do not know YOUR name or is it Mr Turkey? I do agree with your opening paragraph and I could not have put it better myself. I have no problem with your postings. My interest is directed to the policy during the Emergency.
Silver I could not confirm that Hurricanes were used for Met. flights certainly Hawker Hinds, Gladiators and Lysanders were used with an aneroid barometer strapped to a strut. I do appreciate that you did use commas when referring to the so called secret aerodrome.I will try and address the historical posting by Stimpy and Sealion hopefully in a non critical way later.Work keeps interfering with my Air Corps interest, with a starving wife, cat ,dog and wild bird population in my garden ( who think that I am running a fast food joint) it's not easy
Tony K

Offline Turkey

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« Reply #21 on: June 15, 2004, 07:21:51 pm »
Tony, sorry about that, I not mean to cause cause offence.
But as we had not been formally introduced.........  '<img'>
I am afraid thet Turkey, has occasionally had a prefix on some boards, and it certainly has not been a polite one.
Ireland, no jets, no future!

Offline Tony Kearns

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« Reply #22 on: June 15, 2004, 08:01:50 pm »
What is the problem with people identifying themselves when posting? I always give my name, I do understand that there are circumstances when some people fine it necessary not to reveal their names. On other forums to which I frequent most users do not reply to annonymous questions. A point to ponder.
Tony K

Offline FiannaFail

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« Reply #23 on: June 16, 2004, 12:20:28 am »
Good point Tony.
FiannaFail '<img'>
Patricia Guerin

Offline yellowjacket

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« Reply #24 on: June 16, 2004, 01:17:12 am »
Using real names isn't an option for people serving in the DF or other services. People have got in a lot of trouble in the past over the most innocuous statements.

Give whatever name you want, and reply to whoever you like, but you need to think outside your own circumstances on matters like this.

Offline Tony Kearns

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« Reply #25 on: June 16, 2004, 07:48:51 pm »
I did point out that there are circumstances when it is not possible to reveal their names, so the point you make about "outside my own circumstances" is superfluous. If you and others are not in the Security Forces why not put your names to the postings ?
Tony K

Offline sealion

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« Reply #26 on: June 16, 2004, 09:30:49 pm »
What if we are,or were,which is quite possible,given the nature of the site?

Offline Tony Kearns

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« Reply #27 on: June 17, 2004, 01:07:14 am »
If you are, were, former members of the Security Forces,there is no problem, but do allow other people to post without having such words as Thicko, Crusty Tree Hugger etc if someone disagrees with your point of view while you remain annnonymous. It is called democracy. We all, on this board respect democracy and with Frank's guidance we don't have to apologise.
Tony K

Online Frank

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« Reply #28 on: June 17, 2004, 02:41:17 am »
Hi Guys,

Apologies for jumping in so late, had a busy few days.

People have different reasons for using different usernames.  Not all people are serving or ex members of the Defence Forces, but they will still use different names to preserve their identity from work colleagues or friends who may frown on their interests, use of work resources, etc.

Also, a lot of the time people use their nicknames, it's all down to personal choice really.  As long as the person is genuine and doesn't abuse the system then there is no problem.

However, name calling is not on.  If you disagree with someone's opinions please be diplomatic, don't call them X, Y or Z.

Please try and maintain some level of professionalism and good conduct on the board.  This board is very well regarded and I'm sure we would all like to maintain that.

Oh and by the way, please stay on topic!!!! '<img'>

Now, about Neutrality............


Frank. - Your source for thousands of Irish Aviation photographs

Offline alpha foxtrot 07

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« Reply #29 on: June 17, 2004, 07:36:41 am »
here here frank.

you're not lost until you're lost at mach 3