My Comment about intercerpting Jetliners was unfair and I take it back. But my Points remain the same. Also I would like to mention a conversation I had with one Ex Naval service, and one Serving Army Officer. Both could only name the Dauphin and A111 as current Air Corp craft as well as the Lear Jet. They knew there were more but did not know what they were. Army Officer, says and I quote. The Air Corp should be disbanded and we should ask the RAF for protection, they(air corp) have no decent equipment, and what they have they do not know how to use and they are 9 to 5 workers. The Ex Naval guy agreed, but he likes the Dauphin as he had some trips in it, plus the Blue plane looks pretty cool. These are guys with over 40 years combined service to the DF. If they do not know what the Air Corp have or do. How are the rest of us going to find out.
Both of these people, are very proud of the DF and there roles in it. And both know current Air Corp Officers from College or from service overseas. Both attended the Airshow and loved it, and both complained about the Irish Contribution.