Hi all
I read a report, when I served in Tech Wing(showing my age!), about the decommissioning of the rocket pods and firing systems of the Cessnas. The report recommended the withdrawal of the pods for several reasons; the rockets were (A)becoming obsolete,in that the manufacturer was ceasing production (B)they were useless in that one could not reasonably expect to fire them into a crowded street if a Cash Escort was attacked.©some of the motors and warheads were time-expired (D)spares for the pods were becoming scarce. Aside from that, they were quite inaccurate and required the launch aircraft to descend into the kill-zone of even light-calibre anti-aircraft weapons.They did NOT affect the stall speed of the Cessna when fired for the simple reason that rockets are recoilless.I was working in Tech Wing when the Cessnas were having their firing panels stripped out and the looms in the wings taken out.When I left in 95, the Cessnas still had the airspeed arming switch and the cannon-plug under the wings.