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Airborne 10.20.16: WWII Airpower!, HeliTrak Collective Pull Down, SECAF James

Also: Musk: No Sabotage, Aero-Community: AUVSI, Alaska/Virgin, CFM56 Record, FlightSim Mkt, ATR Forecast, Saab @SFO The National World War-Two Museum, the Commemorative Air Force, and the Greater New Orleans Sports Foundation will be presenting the World War-Two AirPower Expo 2016 at the New Orleans Lakefront Airport. The three-day air show will offer aerial demonstrations, up-close aircraft tours, authentic World War-Two entertainment, hands-on activities and an opportunity to meet some of the men and women who helped win the war. The FAA has issued a supplemental type certificate to HeliTrak for its ‘Collective Pull Down’ line of products. The company said in a news release that the FAA certification supports its vision for developing innovative safety products, like Collective Pull Down, which senses low rotor RPM and automatically lowers the collective. The pilot’s recognition time in the event of low rotor RPM is a concern with all models of helicopters. Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James was named an honorary Tuskegee Airman and was presented the Tuskegee Airman red jacket during the Air Force Memorial’s 10th anniversary ceremony in Arlington, Virginia last week. Known as the Red tails because of the red painted tales of their aircraft, the Airmen who served in the once-segregated 332nd Fighter Group during World War-Two can now be recognized by their distinguishable red jackets. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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