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Airborne-Unmanned 04.18.17: Drones v Volcanoes!, Boston Marathon UAVs, XPO-LIVE!

Also: State Pavilions at XPONENTIAL, MQ-8C Fire Scout, Puma UAS, Drone Bust Drones DO wind up in some of the most amazing places... As evidence by the Universities of Bristol and Cambridge and their team of volcanologists and engineers -- who used the UAVs to collect measurements from directly within volcanic clouds, along with visual and thermal images of inaccessible volcano peaks. As part of a 10-day research trip, the team carried out proof-of-concept flights at and over the summits of Guatemala’s Volcán de Fuego and Volcán de Pacaya. A tethered drone was part of the security plan at this year's Boston Marathon. Massachusetts-based CyPhy Works has disclosed that its tethered drone, PARC, is part of the safety and security measures developed for the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) at the 2017 Boston Marathon. The World's Greatest Gathering Of 'All Things Unmanned' Will Get Expert Live Coverage! AUVSI and ANN have confirmed a multi-hour LIVE interview program series on Day Two and Three of XPONENTIAL 2017, set for May 8-11 in Dallas, TX. The broadcast will be conducted, shared, and viewed as a live webcast as well as archived for future viewing and use. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne-Unmanned!!!

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