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Airborne 04.21.17: Gulfstream G280, Airport $$ Abuse, Boeing Jobs

Also: Drone Power, Jerkwater Drone Regs, CBP, Wichita UAS Mtg, Cessna Accident, Co-Pilot SNAFU, Atlas Air-Polar Air Gulfstream’s super mid-size G280 recently completed two missions en route to and from the 2017 Avalon Airshow, each achieving another city-pair world speed record. The G280 flew from Singapore to Melbourne, Australia, a distance of 3,332 nautical miles, in 7 hours and 21 minutes at an average cruise speed of Mach 0.81. The following week, it again departed Singapore, this time bound for Dubai’s Al Maktoum International Airport, completing the 3,177-nm flight in 7 hours and 18 minutes at a speed of Mach 0.82. The G280 already holds the city-pair record for flying from Melbourne to Singapore. The FAA has sent a letter to Fort Lauderdale, FL accusing the city of illegally using $5 million from its Executive Airport to support the general fund, and it wants the money back. The FAA began looking into the situation following reports of fees paid to the city for fire and police services, infrastructure maintenance and other services in lieu of property taxes. The airport was ceded to the city by the federal government after WWII. Boeing appears to be preparing for another round of layoffs both in Washington State and other locations as they work to trim costs. The job cuts, which are likely to begin June 23, were announced in a memo from John Hamilton, vice president of engineering at Boeing Commercial Airplanes. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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