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Airborne 04.25.17: Vietnam Helicopter Museum, Gleim Virtual Cockpit, Av Police

Also: Airport Fight, Aero-Calendar, H145, A321neo, Emirates, Airspace Workshops, Jeppesen A claim of discrimination has been filed against Contra Costa County, CA by the Vietnam Helicopter Museum, which alleges that the county has discriminated by repeatedly blocking attempts to lease a hangar at Buchanan Field. Pacific States Aviation, the Conco Companies, and the museum, first attempted to rent a 39,000 square-foot hangar in December. The museum ranked third in the process. They filed an informal complaint with the FAA in January when the county refused a 2015 request by the former hangar tenant to transfer ownership of the hangar and assign the lease to the museum. Gleim Aviation has released the Gleim Virtual Cockpit. The all-in-one simulator platform, when used in conjunction with the Gleim X-Plane Flight Training Course, offers a home simulator platform with a fully interactive training program. Gleim Aviation’s Paul Duty said, “The Gleim Virtual Cockpit is a chance for pilots to practice and improve proficiency and that’s what pilots want most.” Chicago Alderman Ray Lopez has introduced legislation in the City Council that would essentially disband the Chicago Department of Aviation police force. Three officers of the force were involved in dragging a passenger off a United Airlines flight, and videos of the incident captured by other passengers went viral, causing serious backlash for United Airlines. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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