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Airborne 05.16.17: Cessna's Last Mustang, Global 7000 FTV3, Drone Delivery

Also: 'Kickback' Damage, Aero-Calendar, Hypersonic R&D, AUVSI, MedEvac Foundation, African SAR, H125 FastFin It’s the end of an era... The final production Cessna Citation Mustang has rolled off the assembly line and will be delivered in the coming weeks, signaling the conclusion to a 12-year production run with more than 470 aircraft delivered to customers around the world. The company is positioned for a transition within the light jet segment as it continues to offer customers their Cessna Citation M2. The M2 was introduced in 2013 and has nearly 150 aircraft delivered to customers around the world. Bombardier’s third Global 7000 has successfully completed its maiden flight. FTV3 joins a test program that got underway in November 2016. Just five months into testing, the Global 7000 aircraft set a record as the largest business jet to operate so close to the sound barrier, reaching a top speed of Mach 0.995. On May 5, 2017, a Nevada UAS Consortium (Team Roadrunner) set the record for long-distance drone delivery while flying a fixed-wing UAV over 97 miles to Austin, Texas using cellular connectivity. Launched from a central Texas urban location, the UAV flew a preplanned route through the National Airspace System (NAS) using a combination of a mobile command and control (C2), a visual observer team, and stationary visual observers (VO) located across the flight route... All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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