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Airborne 05.17.17: Avionics Sales Boost, SpaceX Mars Plans, iFlightPlanner

Also: GB1 GameBird, XPONENTIAL Innovation Preview, WestJet, Beverly Flt Ctr, Hilton Software, ATK Rocketry Challenge, SES-10 It’s the tiniest bit of good news... but it IS good news... In the first three months of the year, total worldwide business and GA avionics sales amounted to $566,179,780.61, or more than $566 million as reported by the participating companies in the first quarter 2017 Avionics Market Report released by AEA. The figure represented a 0.01 percent increase in sales compared to the first-quarter 2016 amount of $566,098,705.96. Although the sales amount was nearly identical to the first three months of 2016, it marked the first time since the fourth quarter of 2015 that sales increased during the same period from the previous year, snapping a string of seven consecutive quarterly reports showing a decrease in sales from the previous year. SpaceX will not be ready to launch an unmanned Dragon spacecraft to Mars next year, but that has opened up the opportunity to launch two spacecraft to the Red Planet in 2020. SpaceX founder Elon Musk has acknowledged that the technology for an unmanned mission to Mars will not be ready next year. But with that delay comes the possibility, even likelihood, that two Dragons may fly to Mars the next time the orbits of Mars and Earth provide for a relatively short transit. iFlightPlanner for iPad v3.0 has debuted. The app for iPad now offers compatibility with ADS-B devices from 7 different manufacturers – Dual, Levil, Sagetech, SkyRadar, Stratux, L-3, and NavWorx. “We were the first to bring wireless sync technology to the EFB market when we first introduced iFlightPlanner for iPad,” said Andy Matthews, iFlightPlanner’s Director of Business Development. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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