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Airborne 05.19.17: Boeing T-X, WomenVenture 2017, BE-4 Rocket Test

Also: Orion Spacecraft, ANN Update, Sinful Sundays, ATC Privatization Oppo, Huerta@AUVSI, Fire Scout, 700th H130 Boeing will assemble its T-X Air Force training jet at its St. Louis facility, if the aircraft is chosen to be the next Air Force primary trainer. The contract would support approximately 1,800 jobs in the region. If the Air Force chooses Boeing to help train pilots for generations to come, T-X will be the newest project for a community that has produced some of the most acclaimed military aircraft of the past seven decades. The first two new, purpose-built T-X aircraft have proven the design’s low-risk, performance and repeatability in manufacturing. For the 10th straight year, the opportunity for women who love aviation to build camaraderie and open doors to mentorship and participation once again comes to EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2017, as WomenVenture activities will take place during the week. The 65th annual Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) fly-in convention will be held July 24-30 at Wittman Regional Airport in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Blue Origin has suspended testing on its BE-4 rocket engine after it lost a set of powerpack test hardware on one of the engine's test stands. In a message posted to Twitter, Blue Origin founder Jeff Bezos said that the loss is only a temporary setback in the program. "That's why we always set up our development programs to be hardware rich. Back into testing soon." The BE-4 engine is being tested at the company's facility in west Texas. The powerpack is the component that supplies fuel and oxidizer to the engine's combustion chamber. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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