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Airborne 06.22.17: GA v House ATC Bill, 737 MAX 10, Solar Impulse 2 Anniversary

Also: ATC Opposition, Want to Be An Aero-Stringer?, CAP's Next CEO, Hypersonic Jet, Spring Airlines, Leonardo, 505 Jet Ranger X Following Wednesday’s release of the language proposed by the US House of Representatives, a consortium of general aviation groups has provided united opposition to the legislation introduced by Rep. Bill Shuster (R-Pennsylvania). The latest documentation includes provisions, again, to turn the nation's air traffic control infrastructure and services to a privatized, non-profit board dominated by commercial aviation interests. The joint statement came from EAA, AOPA, NBAA, NATA, GAMA, and HAI. Boeing has announced the launch of the 737 MAX 10 as the newest member of the 737 MAX family at the 2017 Paris Air Show. The planemaker says the 737 MAX 10 will have the lowest seat-mile cost of any single-aisle airplane ever produced. The airplane gained more than 240 orders and commitments secured from more than 10 customers worldwide. The 737 MAX 10 will deliver five percent lower trip costs and five percent lower seat-mile costs. Solar Impulse 2 successfully completed the world’s first solar-powered flight across the Atlantic on June 23, 2016, establishing a world first and setting four FAI world records. The plane, which was piloted by Dr Bertrand Piccard during its record flight across the Atlantic, took off at 0230 local time from New York on June 20, 2016. After almost exactly three days in the air, it landed at Seville International Airport in the south of Spain at 0738 local time. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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