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Airborne 07.14.17: XP-82 Twin Mustang, KSFO Near-Miss, Pelton's Appeal

Also: Commercial Pilot Database, AEA ADS-B Sweepstakes, F-35s, ecoDemonstrator, Heathrow Expansion, Sun Country, Draken Deploys Tom Reilly's XP-82 Twin Mustang restoration project reached several milestones over the past month, and the aircraft restoration expert says that the project is "nearing completion." On the blog on which he provides updates, Reilly wrote at the first of the month that in the past month, the outboard fairings from each leading edge to trailing edge of the fuselage-to-wing have been completed. The final seam welding of the two outboard forward fairings was completed as June came to an end. The last two parts to complete are the two lower halves of the inboard side of each fuselage-to-center-section fairing. This could have gone really really badly... The pilot of an Air Canada A320 on approach to San Francisco International Airport lined up to land on a taxiway on which four airplanes were lined up for takeoff. Media reports indicate that is not yet known exactly how close to the ground the A320 came, but recorded audio from the tower indicates that one pilot said that the plane "flew directly over us." If you want to hire a drone pilot for whatever reason, current U.S. law requires them to be licensed by the FAA to fly commercially. Hiring a licensed drone pilot protects the client as well as the drone community. To that end, Peter Sachs, drone attorney and advocate, author of Drone Law Journal, and TheDroneGuy on Twitter, has established Commercial Drone Pilot. The site is a searchable database designed to make it easier to find an FAA-licensed commercial drone pilot who offers services in particular states throughout the United States. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

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