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Airborne-Unmanned 08.15.17: Reno Drone Races, DoD CrackDown, Blue Angels v UAV?

Also: Kansas DOT-AirMap, CIRRUAS Drone Program, Daytona Beach PD UAS, Virginia UAS SAR The Reno Air Racing Association has signed an agreement with the MultiGP Drone Racing League to host the National Drone Racing Championship during this year’s National Championship Air Races. The drone races will be held in the Air Races on-site drone zone. "The addition of MultiGP’s National Drone Racing Championship into the air races allows our fans to experience exciting drone technology up-close and personally,” Tony Logoteta, Director of Finance for the Reno Air Racing Association said. The increased use of commercial and privately owned small unmanned aircraft systems has raised Defense Department concerns for the safety and security of its installations, its aviation and its people. Guidance was sent in early August to the services and to installations about the use of small unmanned aircraft systems over and around military installations in the United States, according to Navy Capt. Jeff Davis. OK... here’s a bit of news we really didn’t need... A spectator watching the Blue Angels perform during the SeaFair Air Show in Mercer Island, WA last week captured video of a drone flying in the vicinity of the jets, though a Navy official told local media that the UAV was no threat to the aerobatic team. The drone video was first reported online. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne-Unmanned!!!

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